In a non stick frying pan over medium heat add a drizzle of oil, add the onions, and sweat over medium heat until soft, add vinegar. Reduce and set aside.
In a large bowl add the mince, salt, pepper, rosemary and mix well until combined.
Next add the eggs and bread crumbs and mix well with a fork.
Add the goat's cheese to the onion mix, combine well.
Finally add the BBQ and oyster sauces and mix again. (Tip - Mixture should be firm. If not pat to firm, and add additional bread crumbs).
Lay sheets of filo pastry individually on a bench. Spoon mixture from one end to the other approximately 3cm high and 7cm wide. Roll pastry, brush with egg.
Wrap each roll into triangles, and place on a foiled oven tray at 180°C for 10 mins or until golden brown.