Archive for the ‘Small Appliances’ Category

A scrumptious night out at the Sydney Seafood School

April 24th, 2012 by

Looking over last night's recipe booklet from the Sydney Seafood School there is a sharp sensory reminder of the eve's fare. No, not because of a cut finger, or words or pictures, but smell. The paper is pungent with cooking oil infused with Sichuan pepper, lime, coriander, deep fried squid and prawns. Our task was to prepare salt and pepper prawns with a prickly ash (that's a Sichuan ... Read more

How to clean a coffee machine

April 20th, 2012 by

Making a good cup of joe boils down to the beans, the milk, the maker and the machine. But if the latter is in neglect it won't matter how organic the beans are, how fresh the milk is, or how good a barista you (think you) are, the coffee is going to taste bad. If your friends haven't been popping in so often for a cuppa maybe it's ... Read more

Fisher & Paykel and Breville win coveted Choice Awards

April 16th, 2012 by

Fisher & Paykel and Breville have joined Miele in the 2012 Choice awards that celebrate excellent customer service and product reliability. The recent 2012 awards have not only highlighted Miele for the best vacuum cleaner brand, but Fisher & Paykel for best fridge brand and Breville for its Fast Slow Cooker. Fisher & Paykel received the coveted award after two years of fridge testing across numerous brands and ... Read more

Sunbeam defends itself against “misleading” TV report

April 13th, 2012 by

Sunbeam has issued a statement in response to a media report that said one of its electric blankets had been "recently recalled." Sunbeam has come out in defense of its electric blanket safety standards after a TV report on 11 April about unsafe appliances. It comes in the same week that police suspect a faulty electric blanket caused an apartment in Bondi, Sydney to go up in flames. Sunbeam ... Read more

Nespresso spills the new beans, two tonnes of stolen coffee found

April 13th, 2012 by

$70,000 worth of coffee, five coffee machines  and a van have been recovered after having been stolen earlier this week. News of the heist spread globally within hours and the police believe that when the thieves realised this they ditched the van and fled. The police were alerted by a local person who saw the abandoned van and compared it to the image in the paper on a ... Read more

Sanyo uses social media to alert people to dangerous microwave

April 11th, 2012 by

Sanyo has created a Facebook page to publicise the recall of a microwave that may cause 'severe electric shocks'. The page was created in March and it announces that Sanyo is now undertaking a full product recall of the EMC8787B convection grill microwave ovens. A recall notice was first issued in January, and the continued alerts may indicate that there are still enough faulty microwaves at large in ... Read more

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful: Why I’m The Samantha Brick of Appliances

April 11th, 2012 by

We all know that Samantha Brick is a wonderful woman and an inspiration to many of us – the chosen few, that is, who uphold standards of beauty for the rest of you to aspire to. However hopelessly.  But did you know she is also something of a heroine for appliances? Her recent incisive piece of social commentary, which spoke eloquently and passionately about the evil ... Read more

Thieves steal tonnes of coffee and the perks of caffeine inspired exercise

April 11th, 2012 by

How many cups of Viennese coffee will two tonnes of coffee make? That's the likely question on two thieves' minds today, in Vienna. Holy cappuccino, hold the milk! Two thieves have nicked off with two tonnes of coffee in the Austrian capital Vienna. Mugged from a wholesaler and coffee-roaster's warehouse the thieves loaded the beans into a stolen van, also making off with two coffee machines, according to an ... Read more

Textpresso! Coffee machine takes orders by SMS

April 10th, 2012 by

Wake up and smell the good brews! A Seattle company, Zipwhip, has invented a coffee machine that receives orders via SMS to grind, brew and pour automatically. Thank smart thinkers in Seattle, the city that came up with Starbucks, for the magic machine. It's called Textpresso, and the genius design uses an adapted Jura machine to service the coffee addiction of a 20-odd person office. If they ever ... Read more

Choose your fate with fortune cookie maker

April 4th, 2012 by

Why leave it up to a factory in China to tell you that "Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change," or "Enjoy yourself while you can," or "If your cookie is still in one piece buy Lotto". Instead, decide your own delicious destiny with a personal fortune cookie maker. Not yet available in Australia, the Sunbeam Cookie Maker (FPSBFCM40) gives you the power ... Read more

Why we’re all about brussels sprouts

April 4th, 2012 by

Brussels sprouts? Urgh! Even Bear Grylls would rather eat an animal's balls. The mere mention of the little green balls can give kids nightmares and make adults shudder. Funnily enough it's that strong taste which hints at the nutritional punch a brussels sprout packs. So let's give them a break and see if we can find a few good reasons to give them a second chance. It's a matter of ... Read more

Five Mother’s Day gifts guaranteed to make you look great

April 4th, 2012 by

Is your ma a star? Yeah she is! So this Mother's Day instead of just getting her some wilted gerberas from the servo like you always do, how about you buy her something that's actually good. "What are you talking about?" I hear you saying through a mouth full of Creme Egg, "It's only April!" April it may be, but Mother's Day – which falls this year ... Read more

Morphy Richards competition colours the kitchen

April 3rd, 2012 by

Winning is as easy as picking your favourite colour. If an all white or stainless steel kitchen is a little ordinary for your tastes then get in for the chance to win a set of colourful benchtop appliances from Morphy Richards. The competition is to promote a new brightly coloured Special Edition kettle and toaster. The colour of the set will be determined by the most popular colour ... Read more

Hot chips can be healthy! How to make tasty chips with only 3% fat

April 2nd, 2012 by

I love hot chips. They're crispy, salty, golden, cheerful and delicious. What's not to love? …Oh yes, that's right. The high fat content. Boo! Like most things in life that are enjoyable, hot chips can be bad for your health. But before you relegate yourself to a life of brown rice, bean sprouts and All Bran, take a look at this baby: New to Appliances Online, it's the Tefal ActiFry, ... Read more

Sunbeam is stoked with My Kitchen Rules partnership

March 30th, 2012 by

If a cook is only as good as their appliances then My Kitchen Rules' South Australian champions Leigh and Jennifer owe a special thanks to Sunbeam. The show has been a hit drawing an audience of 2.7 million in its last week and Channel 7 along with the programme's sponsors are tickled pink. Sunbeam, the small appliance sponsor, said it's appliances were put to the test alongside competitors ... Read more