Dodgy kitchen installer nabbed in Sydney

July 11th, 2012 by

An unlicensed kitchen installer has been ordered to pay fines and costs by Parramatta Local Court for demanding and receiving more than the maximum deposit allowed for residential work. Hong Cheng Luo, a Canterbury man, was also found guilty of unlicensed contracting and unlicensed kitchen installation work. He has been ordered to pay $4,486. Fair Trading was tipped off by a compliant from a consumer in Bexley for unsatisfactory kitchen work. An ... Read more

Sixteen more Shades of Grey

July 11th, 2012 by

Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James is the bestseller that has taken the world by storm.  The erotic novel is being dissected by book groups, analysed by critics, and gushed about across the internet. It seems to be a book that is either loved or loathed.  One man reportedly so strongly disapproved of his partner's choice in reading material that he tried to show her ... Read more

Got rats in your home? – here’s our guide to getting rid of ’em!

July 11th, 2012 by

We've covered ants and cockroaches, now here's your one-stop, everything-you-need-to-know, flat-out awesome how-to guide for getting rid of rats. Ahhh, rats. Sneaky, cunning and the ultimate survivors. Slimy, stinky and disease-ridden. Sort of the lawyers of the animal kingdom. And, of course, particularly drawn to places like kitchens and laundries. Not only do they offer warmth and food - but potential sources of shelter ... including that offered ... Read more

Georgie Parker backs LG home appliance range

July 10th, 2012 by

Screen star and working mum Georgie Parker will be pushing vacuums in pictures for LG as the company's new brand ambassador across the home appliance category in Australia. Parker, who has played Ruth 'Roo' Stewart on Home and Away since 2010, has been picked by LG for her promotion of style and family values. The 47-year-old is also a representative of the National Scoliosis Foundation and the Steve Waugh Foundation. "I'm ... Read more

Lick this: pizza in a cone

July 10th, 2012 by

It would take a remarkable appliance for us to take readers away from the awesome range of goods at but we couldn't go past this kitchen gadget: a pizza cone. As in, pizza, in a cone. So we direct you to Amazon where the new Pizzacraft Grilled Pizza Cones have been recently released. Unfortunately, the online retailer has already run out of stock. We can only speculate ... Read more

Mild electric shock in F&P DishDrawer, recalled

July 10th, 2012 by

Fisher & Paykel have voluntarily recalled two DishDrawer models after it was revealed there is a small chance of mild electric shock received through contacting the water remaining in the machine after a cycle. The hazard may be created by a small piece of hardware that is not part of the machine, such as a piece of glass, which gets lodged in the pump rotor causing a ... Read more

Audrey’s Kitchen: a cooking show with a side of satire

July 10th, 2012 by

I'm not going to lie to you – I love cooking shows. There's little in this world I love more than sitting on the couch in my trackie daks and scoffing at the silly contestants of MasterChef who don't even know their crème fraîche from their crème anglaise. Fools! However I'm well aware of the fact our television screens seem to be getting increasingly saturated in the ... Read more

Tips for laundry maintenance

July 6th, 2012 by

If you don't fancy a flood or a fire in the laundry room then we suggest you take a look over our essential tips for washing machine and dryer maintenance!  Laundry maintenance doesn't take long, nor does it require loads of effort. In fact most of these tips just ask that you cast a glance and look out for certain things. Tips for both the washing machine and ... Read more

Beware! Bursting hot water bottles!

July 6th, 2012 by

For the second time this winter the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) has recalled a hot water bottle for fear of it bursting and burning people. It is a timely reminder to never fill a hot water with boiling water. In both cases there have been no reported incidents of burst bottles and the issue lies in a lack of safety warnings. The bottles offer this warning: "Warning: Hot ... Read more

Appliances for when you’re sick

July 6th, 2012 by

A particularly nasty cold and flu has been making its way around our section of the Appliances Online office, felling each of us for a few days at a time, until we're well enough to drag ourselves back to our desks and pass on the bug to the next lucky sod. This is not an unusual occurrence for an office in winter, and something similar can happen ... Read more

Awesome tips for getting rid of fridge pong

July 5th, 2012 by

Perhaps there's been a power cut, a spill that never got wiped up, or you've been away for the weekend while a science project has been growing in the fridge. Either way, opening up the door to be greeted with a wave of stinky air is enough to put you off your food! The only way to get rid of bad odours in the fridge is to ... Read more

World’s biggest appliance helps discover the God particle

July 5th, 2012 by

The scientists who press the Large Hadron Colliders's (LHC) buttons have yesterday announced the (potential) discovery of the Higgs boson - the most wanted particle in physics. Named after Professor Peter Higgs, the Higgs boson is thought to give all other particles mass, be everywhere at once and frustratingly difficult to pin down, thus its nickname, the God particle. The LHC is a large machine designed to accomplish a specific task; broadly speaking, the LHC ... Read more

From the Tour de France to Bastille Day: celebrate France this July

July 5th, 2012 by

The people of France have developed an unfair reputation as cheese eating surrender monkeys in recent years, in blatant disregard of the nation’s valuable contribution to the world's history and culture. With the Tour de France back on our screens and Bastille Day less than a fortnight away (14 July, to be exact), it’s high time to start embracing our inner Francophiles. Here are a few ideas to ... Read more

Use diamonds in the wash for a sparkling finish, seriously

July 4th, 2012 by

A team of UK scientists have discovered that diamonds are a washing machine's best friend. The researches found that tiny diamonds are super effective at loosening oil and dirt from surfaces in cold water washes. The discovery was made as part of a project called the 'Cold Water Cleaning Initiative'. It is funded by scientists looking at how carbon (a form of diamond) can be used as a household ... Read more

$1 million gold vacuum for sale

July 4th, 2012 by

Justin Haver says that he's not a smart man. But during the middle of one random night, while using the bathroom no less, the vice president of had an idea that 'struck him like a freight train'....a golden vacuum. "Eureka! I'm a genius," writes Haver in his blog. Six months later Haver's inspired idea has come to fruition in the form of a 24K gold plated vacuum ... Read more