LG adds new chapter to door-in-door story

March 5th, 2013 by

While LG only released its innovative door-in-door line of products just six months ago, the electronics company has already added a new model to the line-up. The 661L side-by-side model (GR-D257SL) will now sit along the 907L and 730L 3-door and 659L French door models in the product range, and boasts additional features such as an adjustable door-in-door basket and in-door mounted ice maker. The stainless steel exterior ... Read more

Front load vs top load washing machines: which is better?

February 27th, 2013 by

So, your current washing machine has gone to appliance heaven, and you need to buy a new one. Even though, as comedian John Safran has pointed out, you can wear a pair of underpants four times without washing (forwards, backwards, inside-out forwards, inside-out backwards), there’s only so long you can go without a washing machine before things start to get a little, er, ‘hobo fresh’. But with so ... Read more

How to make yourself do the dishes

February 22nd, 2013 by

It happens to the best of us.  There you are, having worked hard to cook up an amazing meal, and just when you're sitting back and feeling really good about having eaten said meal… …you notice the dirty dishes, piled up next to the sink like the Leaning Tower of Pisa (or possibly Mount Vesuvius). When faced with a terror like this, it’s all too easy to panic, ... Read more

Washing machine removes stains from brain

February 22nd, 2013 by

Got grass stains on your brain? Mud on your mind? Filth on your frontal lobe? Thanks to Austrian artist Michael Hacker, you can now get your brain squeaky clean and daisy fresh! Designed as an installation/self portrait for the Die letzte Weltausstellung/Arche 2012 exhibition, 'Brainwashing Machine' features a front-loading washing machine from which brain-coloured undergarments can be seen emerging – good as new! Just when you think you've ... Read more

Asko offers peace of mind with bonus service plan

February 20th, 2013 by

Purchasing a new dishwasher, washing machine or dryer is a significant investment for a household to make - so you want to know that your appliance is going to be protected for years to come. Asko has made a name for itself as a manufacturer of environmentally friendly kitchen and laundry appliances, as well as Australia's first dishwasher designed for outdoor spaces and a heat pump dryer ... Read more

Samsung teams up with SodaStream for new fridge

February 18th, 2013 by

Samsung has revealed that it is taking built-in water dispensers in fridges to a whole new level with its upcoming line of products. The technology giant announced last week (February 14) that it would be teaming up with innovation soft drink company SodaStream to deliver a new four-door fridge. The RF31FMESBSR fridge will offer SodaStream's three levels of carbonation - just like the benchtop appliance - the same ... Read more

Show your appliances some love this Valentine’s Day

February 14th, 2013 by

It's easy to feel slightly neglected by the ones we love throughout the year. I mean, that's the reason why Valentine's Day was created right? But much like our longing for presents or romantic dinners on more than just February 14, the appliances that we adore need some love too. So if you've being neglecting those maintenance jobs you know need to be done - or you simply ... Read more

Breville and Heston Blumenthal team up

February 13th, 2013 by

One of the world's most recognisable chefs - and a personal favourite among the Appliances Online team - has become the global ambassador of a local appliance brand. Heston Blumenthal has teamed up with Breville to help promote the iconic Australian brand's products across all of Breville’s international markets, as well as locally. According to Breville Group chief executive officer Jack Lord, Blumenthal will be more than just ... Read more

The joy of vacs: do these people love appliances TOO much?

February 12th, 2013 by

You know, we all love Appliances here. I mean the website is called Appliances Online. Appliances are our business. Let’s be clear tho – they're not our obsession. That said, we won't judge you if they happen to be yours. We don't care if you dream about them, take them on trips away with you, or that census records list your next-of-kin as a Fisher & Paykel ... Read more

How to organise a fridge – eight tips for a more efficient kitchen

February 11th, 2013 by

Is the inside of your fridge a bit of a shambles? It's all too easy for mess to build up in a fridge that's seen a lot of use, until it eventually starts to resemble a dumping ground for half-finished foodstuffs. If your fridge is so messy that it starts attracting cats, you may have a problem... But even if you replace your old fridge with a new ... Read more

All about dust – what it is and how to get rid of it

February 6th, 2013 by

The other week I was helping to reorganise someone's sizeable CD collection; a collection large enough to take up three floor-to-ceiling racks from a certain Swedish furniture company.  One by one, we removed the CDs from their old homes, dusted off their cases, and put them into their new order. As most of the collection had previously been digitised, not many of the CDs had been listened ... Read more

Appliances Online’s Valentines: love letters from our customers

February 6th, 2013 by

On a first date, one question you will always get asked is: "What do you do for a living?" Lucky for me, whenever I tell people I work for Appliances Online, they always say: "I LOVE your company!" Which I think is a pretty positive way to begin a relationship! So if you have a hot date this Valentine's Day, I recommend that you tell them you work ... Read more

The future of TV according to Appliances Online: OLEDs, Ultra High Definition … and more!

February 4th, 2013 by

Okay, it’s time for Appliances Online to turn its gimlet eye to the future. We’ll adjust the vertical hold on our crystal ball … there we go …. and ignoring the election results (apparently, the Greens will win) and fashion trends (it looks like flares are coming back), we’re going to take a gander at the prospects for flat-screen television! We’ll use what we’ve learned recently via the ... Read more

Study: Vegetarian diet leads to healthier heart

February 4th, 2013 by

Lifestyle diseases have become more of a concern in recent years, and most of us of us are trying to do our bit to eat better, get into shape and live longer. And while juice detoxes may be one of the latest health crazes, new research from the University of Oxford has suggested that vegetarians are less likely to suffer serious heart disease than meat-eaters. "The results clearly ... Read more

Appliances Online New Year Sale extended until Monday!

February 1st, 2013 by

We hope that you’ve all enjoyed the Appliances Online New Year Sale.  From the first day of January right up until its last, we offered discounted deals on all kinds of household appliances for the kitchen and laundry. But wait – you missed out?  Couldn’t get online in time?  Were away on holiday for the month and only heard about the sale just now? Well, you’re in luck… The ... Read more