Samsung Silver Nano in Samsung Front Loaders

October 8th, 2008


We have been getting quite a lot of questions recently in regards to Samsung Silver Nano in Samsung front load washing machines, so we thought we would do a post outlining the key benefits of this system.

What does Samsung Silver Nano do?

It thoroughly cleans clothes.

The nano technology introduced by Samsung helps clean, protect and sanitise clothes being washed on a microscopic level, so your clothes come out not only spotless, but bacteria free. Samsung Silver Nano technology completely sanitises not only your clothes, but also disinfects your drum from up to 99.99% of germs, meaning the washing machine and your clothes will last the test of time.

It ensures maximum energy saving.

With the use of Samsung Silver Nano technology in cold water, sanitary conditions are similar to washing clothes in near-boiling water. This means that in using Silver Nano technology, massive amounts of energy are saved as water does not have to be heated at all.

This new technology enables the same sanitary results with a cold water wash, meaning less energy is used and the same results, if not better, are achieved.

Washing machines with Silver Nano technology are easy to maintain.

Some washing machines have the downfall of allowing mould and bacteria to build up and survive the rigorous washing cycles. The Samsung Silver Nano technology targets all types of bacteria and mould within the Samsung washing machine to provide peace of mind and easier maintenance.

It provides anti-bacterial protection that lasts up to a month.

The Silver Nano ions form a coat of protection against unsanitary conditions for your extended health and safety; it helps prevent 99.99% of fungus, mould and bacteria from forming on your garments and guarantees this for up to 30 days.

The Samsung Silver Nano health system technology is available in many of the Samsung Front Load Washing Machines. These washing machines include the benefits listed above and the features listed on each Samsung washing machine detail page.

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