Archive for the ‘Kitchen’ Category

Awesomely TERRIBLE appliance-related stock photos!

November 9th, 2012 by

Blogging for Appliances Online, you’ll inevitably find yourself having to trace the odd stock photo. Some, you know, generic image when you haven’t personally had the time to take a picture of a pregnant woman drinking scotch while she loads a dishwasher (for that article about some safety feature or other). We’re amazed - read delighted - at the amount of ridiculous awful or just plain weird ... Read more

Travelling in style and luxury – portable dishwasher and washing machine for caravans

November 6th, 2012 by

This holiday season, some brave and bold souls will be hitting the road; hitching their caravans to their four-wheel drives and setting out to see what’s out there in our wide brown land. Very wide.  Very brown. Now, caravanning is traditionally associated with roughing it.  Practically one step away from camping, caravanning means long drives, rough beds, and a distinct lack of amenities.  Even at a well-appointed caravan ... Read more

Save up to $200 on Dishwashers, Washers and Dryers at the Asko Sale!

October 17th, 2012 by

Hey appliances fans – so you’re trawling the interwebs for some good news: well here it is, at last! There’s a big, beautiful appliances SALE now on that promises to make things all hot and sudsy (for ideal washing conditions, of course). And it’s brought to you by the good folk at Asko. Asko are calling this little event the "Clean Up" Sale (geddit?) - and it’ll give ... Read more

50s style with 21st Century technology: SMEG goes retro

September 28th, 2012 by

Ever since its inception in the 1940s, SMEG has been a style leader. Located in the same region of Italy as iconic designers, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, and Versace, SMEG's motto is 'technology with style'. Back in the era when appliances were considered to be nothing more than utilitarian workhorses, SMEG was creating ovens, cooktops and dishwashers that not only worked perfectly, but improved the aesthetic appeal ... Read more

Haier: affordable appliances you can rely on

September 27th, 2012 by

It's a common scenario: you're saving your money for something special (such as a trip to Bali or a new addition to the family), and your washing machine breaks down. Now not only do you have a mountain of dirty laundry, but you've got to somehow find the cash for new washer! If you find yourself in this kind of situation – don't despair. Thanks to companies like ... Read more

Reducing stress in the kitchen

September 17th, 2012 by

We’ve talked about spring cleaning your home to improve your everyday routine.  We’ve talked about spring cleaning your body through healthy eating and drinking. Now what about spring cleaning your mind?  How can your kitchen and its appliances help you manage your stress levels? Order your thoughts through cooking We often stress and generally freak out when life spirals out of control in way we don’t expect.  Fortunately, in ... Read more

Snakes… on a dishwasher?

September 14th, 2012 by

What do you do when you order a new kitchen appliance, and it comes delivered with potentially deadly reptile, absolutely free? This unlikely scenario actually happened to an unlucky individual in the United States. According to Business Insider, California resident Jessica Hasson had a dishwasher delivered to her house from a major US retailer.  She noticed it was missing a few key components and was on the phone ... Read more

What a waste! New survey reveals how much food we throw away

August 23rd, 2012 by

What does your fridge say about your household? Are you organised and always prepared for when unexpected guests arrive, or is your fridge a chaotic mess of half-used jars of pasta sauce and wilted vegetables? If your fridge isn't as neat and tidy as you would like, it appears that you're not alone - according to a new survey, almost half of Australian households wish their fridge ... Read more

Fisher & Paykel takes precautions against dishwasher fault

August 15th, 2012 by

One of the trans-Tasman's most popular appliances manufacturers has issued a precautionary warning to its customers regarding several of its single door dishwashers manufactured between 2006 and 2008. Due to a number of reports of a fault related to the door latch, Fisher & Paykel is asking affected customers to contact the company so that a technician can fit a replacement part free of charge. Those with conventional ... Read more

Top three factors to consider when buying whitegoods

August 3rd, 2012 by

Making purchases of whitegoods online is fast becoming the norm, but there are some important factors to keep in mind to make sure the experience is a pleasant one. Will it fit? It may seem obvious to measure up the space in your kitchen for a new fridge, but have you thought about how to get your new purchase through the front door? Some customers may think that it's ... Read more

Westinghouse named most trusted whitegoods brand

July 30th, 2012 by

Last week we hinted at the results of a new consumer survey and today we begin to reveal the big winners in categories such as vacuum cleaners and kitchen appliances. The Reader's Digest Trusted Brands 2012 survey looked at almost 2,500 responses and came to the conclusion that the top whitegoods brand in the country is … Westinghouse! "Westinghouse won the Trusted Brands Whitegoods category because Australians know ... Read more

Australia’s most trusted brands revealed

July 27th, 2012 by

What do you base your purchases on? Is it packaging, advertising or a product's reputation? According to new survey, trust is one of the greatest reasons guiding the buying decisions of Australian households - and there are some brands that a true stand-outs. The Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2012 survey looked at the top brands in a range of categories - everything from food and insurance to beauty, ... Read more

8 Awesome Appliances For Idiots (like us)

July 26th, 2012 by

This is a blog for idiots. You know who you are. Let me explain, I know. Because I’m one of you!  You may be particularly brilliant at a particular area of your life (ours is constructing forts from empty cereal packets), but in terms of general household maintenance ... completely hopeless. Don't worry. I get you. We’re the people who forget to turn off appliances. Barely ... Read more

Not your average Father’s Day gift ideas

July 24th, 2012 by

The only thing harder than shopping for someone that already has everything is trying to find a unique Father's Day gift when Dad hasn't dropped any hints. Giving your old man the perfect present on his special day not only shows him how much he's loved, it can also set you up for 12 months of being in Dad's good books. But how do you narrow down your ... Read more

8 Appliances We Desperately Need … But Haven’t Been Invented Yet

July 20th, 2012 by

As human progress screams headlong into a golden age of convenience and unlimited laziness ... it’s about time we call out manufacturers on the appliances they AREN'T making! We’re calling it 8 Appliances That Haven’t Been Invented Yet – these are items which will meet specific demand that consumers have been crying out for years. We’ve even given them some helpful names to help prod those lax inventors ... Read more