Archive for the ‘Air Purifiers’ Category

Quick fixes for cold snaps

July 13th, 2015 by

We Australians love to poke a bit of fun at our friends in the northern hemisphere for being unable to handle hot weather (“Temperatures may reach 30 degrees C in Britain? The poor dears…”*). That said, we ‘strayans can also be massive sooks when things get a bit chilly (“Snow? What is this I can’t even.”). source: Fir0002 on Wikimedia Commons While prevention is always the best cure (possibly ... Read more

What to look for in an Air Purifier

July 9th, 2015 by

Don’t want to get sick this winter?  Even if you’ve already had your flu injections, and are keeping your home meticulously clean, completely protecting your loved ones from germs sometimes requires some special equipment – in this case, an air purifier. Here's a brief guide to the kinds of features to look for when selecting an air purifier for your home: Performance Not every air purifier is created equal.  ... Read more

How to stay germ-free at home

June 2nd, 2015 by

Something’s in the air. Not love, but something just as catchy. GERMS. Yes, with winter having rolled around again, Australian workplaces are being inundated with the sounds of discreet sniffles, honking nose-blowing, stifled coughs and incredulous cries of “what are you doing at work? Go home before you infect us all!” But we’re not even safe, in our own homes. Whether you share your home with family or flatmates, ... Read more

Want the answer to weird weather? Presenting all-in-one climate control!

October 15th, 2013 by

Notice how randomly the weather's been behaving lately? In fact, it’s fair to say it’s moodier than a teething toddler. How to ensure a peaceful, harmonious vibe in your living space and general well-ness of your chi despite the unpredictable climate outside? The answer lies in this unassuming white box. It’s the new Dados Compact Portable Air Conditioner from Atlantic. This remarkable appliance is the all-in-one climate control solution: ... Read more

Kitchens with gas cooktops three times as polluted as highways

June 8th, 2012 by

Are you having trouble breathing easily in your home?  Asthma playing up? Air in your kitchen not smelling so great? Your gas cooktop could be the culprit. A recent study from the University of Sheffield has found that homes using gas cooktops can contain three times as much nitrogen dioxide as what's found in the air in city centre hotspot, or in the air from alongside busy highways. Warning: ... Read more

Oreck customers receive refunds

May 28th, 2012 by

Manufacturer of air purifiers and vacuum cleaners, Oreck, has recently paid out nearly US$700,000 in refunds after allegedly making unsubstantiated claims in its advertising. Known for its television advertising, Oreck allegedly marketed its Halo vacuum cleaner and ProShield Plus portable air purifier as being able to prevent illness in the home by eliminating 99% of household germs through the use of ultraviolet light in the Halo, and ... Read more