Total Appliances Price – How Much Will They Really Cost?

April 7th, 2009

Environment, Energy & Water Saving

Total Appliances Price is very important.An appliances price can be expensive and can also be an unexpected cost if your old fridge or washing machine dies unexpectedly. What do you look for when you need to replace an existing appliance?

I would say the major factors are brand, features, and probably most importantly, the appliances price.

But do you look at the price it costs you now or the price it is going to cost you for the appliances life?

A machine that costs a little more when you purchase it can save you significantly over the life you own it. In some cases the more expensive machines may be the ones which may cost you more to run when you would expect them to be more efficient as you are paying more for them and therefore would expect that they have the latest and most efficient technology. This is not always the case.

A friend of Appliances Online, eco-hacker Finn Peacock, has built a site which allows you to compare models not only by an energy star rating but by a process that actually spells out in plain English how much you can expect to pay to run any particular appliance over 1, 5 or 10 years of its life.

We feel that this is a great tool to use when purchasing any appliance, be it a fridge, washer or dishwasher. We thought it was definitely worth mentioning and spreading to all Australian appliance shoppers, as it will help you to minimise total appliances price. Finn’s website is Sokkitt and for our international readers he is also looking for investors to spread his handy tool to other markets and help to make the world a bit greener.


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