Author Archive for Richie Black

Top 10 Most HATED Appliances: leaf blowers, poker machines and more!

April 11th, 2013 by

Don't get us wrong. The vast majority of appliances are awesome. Appliances Online only sells awesome appliances. But some out there are really annoying or otherwise completely EVIL. And yet they still exist, frequently in vast numbers. Here's our list of the most awful appliances, starting with the most heinous of 'em all: 1. Leaf Blowers Patented by Beelzebub, these are offensive, useless and (somehow) endemic. Beloved ... Read more

Fast-tracking TV shows vs illegal downloading: we assess the fight for the viewers!

April 9th, 2013 by

So TV networks are putting their shows on the “fast-track” to combat illegal downloads. But is it really going to take the wind out of the sails of the pirates? And what’s WRONG with illegal downloading anyway (well, uh, apart from being illegal)? Doesn't the fact that it’s just so damn convenient make it totes A.O.K.,  ... especially if you just can't damn wait for a show ... Read more

Top 10 things that ANNOY us about Office Kitchens!

March 28th, 2013 by

The Office Kitchen is a place of anger and rivalry, of shifting territories and battle-lines drawn. Can you think of another space that inspires such antagonism, outrage and the violent use of passive-aggressive hand-written signage? These problems apply to ALL office-spaces. They are not unique to mine or yours. However, brothers and sisters, I’m telling you: they need not be. Let us acknowledge the universal truth of ... Read more

The joy of vacs: do these people love appliances TOO much?

February 12th, 2013 by

You know, we all love Appliances here. I mean the website is called Appliances Online. Appliances are our business. Let’s be clear tho – they're not our obsession. That said, we won't judge you if they happen to be yours. We don't care if you dream about them, take them on trips away with you, or that census records list your next-of-kin as a Fisher & Paykel ... Read more

The future of TV according to Appliances Online: OLEDs, Ultra High Definition … and more!

February 4th, 2013 by

Okay, it’s time for Appliances Online to turn its gimlet eye to the future. We’ll adjust the vertical hold on our crystal ball … there we go …. and ignoring the election results (apparently, the Greens will win) and fashion trends (it looks like flares are coming back), we’re going to take a gander at the prospects for flat-screen television! We’ll use what we’ve learned recently via the ... Read more

Appliances Online’s New Year Sale: A VERY cool change in the summer heat

January 10th, 2013 by

Hot enough for ya'? "Yeah," you say, whilst administering a swift kick to our teeth. Who can blame you? We're all tired, a bit sun-burned ... and there's more than a little sweat-rash going round to make everyone cranky. 'Kay, everyone agree - it's a stinking hot summer. Well, take a chill pill: Appliances Online is running a New Year's Sale right now that'll make dealing with ... Read more

Fresh food, sensational flavours … and goat milking: Appliances Online visits the Agrarian Kitchen

December 11th, 2012 by

Appliances Online recently underwent a journey to the wilds of Tasmania to sample the delights of the renowned Agrarian Kitchen ... ... and the culinary expertise of masterchef (and Best Home Chef mentor) Mark Best. The trip necessarily involved experiencing the best of organically grown produce, choice cuts of meats from sourced from hand-reared animals, and some remarkable wines. Hopes were high as I set off on the ... Read more

Rioting, stampedes and pepper-spray: when sales shopping gets violent!

November 28th, 2012 by

What is it about the word "sale" that brings out the most violent urges in people? We ponder this with reports from America that things got messy at this year's Black Friday Sale ... ... by no means the first time this annual retail orgasm has tapped into the kind of hysteria normally associated with doomsday sci-fi movies or, uh, last drinks at the Cricketers Arms. It’s a ... Read more

Demons in the kitchen: why are chefs such jerks?

November 20th, 2012 by

Why is it that the words "chef" and "abusive" are so synonymous? The guys (and they're invariably male) doing the rottweiler-on-crack routine.  Throwing the f-bomb around with the wanton abandonment of a sprinkler system. Behaving with all the serenity and decency of someone with a c-clamp permanently attached to their nipples. Then there's the by-product of this behaviour: the drinking, the drugs. Oh, and the endless tabloid ... Read more

Awesomely TERRIBLE appliance-related stock photos!

November 9th, 2012 by

Blogging for Appliances Online, you’ll inevitably find yourself having to trace the odd stock photo. Some, you know, generic image when you haven’t personally had the time to take a picture of a pregnant woman drinking scotch while she loads a dishwasher (for that article about some safety feature or other). We’re amazed - read delighted - at the amount of ridiculous awful or just plain weird ... Read more

Fizzy fresh: new taps can deliver instant sparkling water!

October 24th, 2012 by

A new tap is now able to dispense sparkling chilled filtered water at the touch of a button. That's right: Cool. Delicious. Fizzy stuff. Pioneered by the gurus at Zip, this product is able to dish out boiling and chilled filtered water as well – and all in an instant. Fizzy freshness Appliances Online got the chance to see – and taste - the product in person at The ... Read more

A saga of schnitzel, beer and fridges: Appliances Online on-tour in Germany

October 23rd, 2012 by

Recently, a member of the Appliances Online team was lucky enough to be taken on an all-expenses-paid trip to Germany courtesy of the Liebherr Group, one of our suppliers of elite fridges. The mission statement was to get grips with a truly primo brand and behold German efficiency and innovation in the flesh. Oh and that the trip coincided with Oktoberfest was a neat caveat. Here is the ... Read more

Save up to $200 on Dishwashers, Washers and Dryers at the Asko Sale!

October 17th, 2012 by

Hey appliances fans – so you’re trawling the interwebs for some good news: well here it is, at last! There’s a big, beautiful appliances SALE now on that promises to make things all hot and sudsy (for ideal washing conditions, of course). And it’s brought to you by the good folk at Asko. Asko are calling this little event the "Clean Up" Sale (geddit?) - and it’ll give ... Read more

Samsung’s Bonus Foxtel Offer to end this Monday!

October 12th, 2012 by

We want to remind you of a coupla promos Samsung are running at the moment: particularly that tidy little Bonus Foxtel on Internet TV campaign, which ends this coming Monday 15th October. For the uninitiated, this is the one where you get a Free 3 Month “Get Started” and “Sports Pack” on Foxtel with the purchase of select TVs, such as this little beauty. It’s a fairly ... Read more

3 great Spring Cleaning solutions – from Vax!

September 5th, 2012 by

Thank god Spring is finally here. That means: sunshine, good times, and, er, Spring Cleaning. Well, maybe cleaning isn’t quite at the top of your priorities (you position it further down that list, somewhere a little higher than sticking red hot needles under your skin or, say, listening to the recorded output of Celine Dion). But here’s some good news: Appliances Online has a range of products that ... Read more