Author Archive for Mark Bristow

Dishwasher not drying? Five tips to try:

October 20th, 2015 by

Dishwashers are meant to provide convenience at home, saving you time and effort. So it’s always frustrating when you still need to hand-dry your dishes after the dishwashing’s complete, even after running the drying cycle. Bosch SMS50E32AU Dishwasher Here are a few common pitfalls to avoid when it comes to making sure your dishes come out of the dishwasher dry enough to put way immediately: Open the door as ... Read more

Clean your vacuum filters!

October 19th, 2015 by

No appliance lasts forever, but you’d be surprised how much a bit of simple maintenance can do to extend their lifespan.  Taking proper care of the hard-working components of your appliances can allow you to keep experiencing awesome performance from your appliances for longer. With this in mind… when was the last time you cleaned your vacuum cleaner's filter? What's the purpose of a vacuum cleaner's filter? Diagram of ... Read more

Avoid cold coffee with one simple tip

October 16th, 2015 by

If you’re a coffee drinker, you’ll know that there’s nothing quite as frustrating as a lukewarm cuppa. Whether you’re ordering a latte at the café, or brewing your own a home, you’ll want to get the temperature just right to really enjoy your drink. source: Damianosullivan on Wikimedia Commons To avoid the horror of a lukewarm flat white, all too many of us have ordered an “extra hot” ... Read more

What the heck is a Sound Plate?

October 13th, 2015 by

When it comes to giving your home theatre’s sound quality a bit of extra kick, a sound bar is the first port of call for many households. It makes sense – these low-profile speakers are made to sit neatly in front of the TV, pumping out high quality sound that makes your entertainment even more spectacular But a sound bar isn’t always a viable option for every ... Read more

Weber Q not hot enough? Try natural convection!

October 12th, 2015 by

Our customers have a lot of great things to say about Weber Qs. These portable appliances are ideal for convenient outdoor cooking, whether in the backyard, out and about, or on the road. That said, some customers have found themselves frustrated when cooking on a Weber Q. One common complaint is that the Weber Q doesn’t get hot enough to provide satisfactory grilling. But there is a simple ... Read more

How to get rid of pilling, lint and pet hair – three ways to keep your clothes looking smooth

October 8th, 2015 by

Even with careful washing and drying, our clothes inevitably suffer wear and tear over time, leaving them looking less than impressive. In fact, careless use of some laundry appliances can actually leave clothes worse for wear. Here's a short guide to a few of the grots you may find marring your otherwise beautiful fabrics, and what you can do to get rid of them so your laundry ... Read more

Potato recipe ideas for after you see The Martian

October 7th, 2015 by

Have you seen The Martian yet? I haven’t, but by all accounts, the new movie directed by Ridley Scott, starring Matt Damon, and based on a novel by Andy Weir, is pretty good. If you haven’t been following the buzz, the basic premise is simple – Matt Damon plays an astronaut who is accidentally left behind on Mars and needs to cobble together the necessities to survive ... Read more

Uses for vinegar around the home

October 6th, 2015 by

Seriously, how great is vinegar? This simple household ingredient can be useful pretty much everywhere in the home, whether for cleaning or cooking. source: Ms angie gray at Wikimedia Commons Here are a few of our favourite uses for vinegar around the home: Cooking Vinegar is basically just spoiled wine, which has been allowed to age to the point where it goes from being merely tart to acidic (cue oh-so-original ... Read more

Legend Blimp goes pink for Breast Cancer awareness

October 2nd, 2015 by

Appliances Online’s own Legend Blimp has returned to Melbourne – notice anything different about it? No, the blimp isn’t blushing. And we didn’t put it through the wash along with a red t-shirt, either. Instead, we’ve turned the Legend Blimp pink in honour of Cancer Council Australia’s Pink Ribbon Day, which aims to help women diagnosed with breast and gynaecological cancers. source: _a3g0 on Reddit The Legend Blimp isn’t turning ... Read more

In defence of the top loader

September 30th, 2015 by

The debate over the best appliances to use in the laundry tend to end up favouring front-loading washing machines, due to their energy and water efficiency, gentle washing action, and better use of often limited laundry space. Haier HWMP55-918 5.5kg Top Load Washing Machine So are there any reasons to still opt for a top-loader?  Or have front-loaders entirely overtaken them? Here are a few areas where top-loaders excel, ... Read more

Air conditioner vs fan – which is the best choice for summer?

September 29th, 2015 by

There’s not long to go until the Australian summer officially arrives, bringing with it the kind of temperatures typically found on the surface of the sun. If you’d prefer not to melt into a puddle of sweaty goo this year, you’ll want to be prepared for the seasonal onslaught and get your cooling solutions ready in advance. But will you choose to cool your home with an air ... Read more

Laundry Hacks – dryers and towels and tennis balls, oh my!

September 28th, 2015 by

Using a dryer to look after your wet clothes can be a big convenience when surprise rain showers hit. While hanging up the laundry on folding racks indoors is always an option, it’s not the fastest method available. So are there any little tips, tricks and life hacks to dry your laundry faster? And do they work? Here's a couple that we found: Laundry Hack 1: Dry clothes faster ... Read more

Busting food myths – are apples poisonous?

September 25th, 2015 by

A little while ago, I was helping a friend prepare for a party by cutting up some apple slices to go on the healthy snacks tray. source: Emilian Robert Vicol on Wikimedia Commons While I was asked to cut each apple as deeply as possible to maximise the amount of sweet and delicious fruit flesh in each slice, I was warned not to cut so deep that I ... Read more

Scientific baking – your guide to chemical reactions in cooking

September 23rd, 2015 by

Have you ever baked a cake, or a tray of biscuits in your oven? If you have, then I have news for you: YOU’RE A SCIENTIST. It may not be as dramatic as a large bearded man telling you that you’re a wizard, but it’s the truth. Omega OO686X Electric Wall Oven 600mm/60cm By following a recipe to bake a tasty treat, you’re effectively confirming a set of scientific principles ... Read more

The Egg Un-Boiler – the next must-have kitchen appliance?

September 22nd, 2015 by

All too many of us have a small collection of single-use small appliances cluttering up our kitchen cupboard - everything from ice cream makers to bread makers, rice cookers and juicers. These appliances tend to be very useful for just a few very specific household tasks, but unless they're being used every day, it's all too easy to let them slide into disuse. One new appliance that ... Read more