Author Archive for Mark Bristow

Ten terrific toasters in weird and wacky designs

May 16th, 2012 by

For breakfast this morning, I ate toast.  It wasn’t particularly exciting. Perhaps this is because my toaster is a fairly basic stainless steel model, without much personality. If you ever wished that your toast could be more exciting, here are a few wacky toasters to try: Watchmen toaster Remember the movie?  Or the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons?  Well, now you can add a bit of deconstruction ... Read more

Big Things of Australia (that you may not have heard of)

May 14th, 2012 by

If you travel Australia as much as the Appliances Online delivery drivers, while out on the road you inevitably come across one or more of Australia's Big Things - oversized monuments to favourite objects of special significance to their area. For just one example, one our drivers (with sister company Winning Appliances) celebrated a delivery to Tamworth with this snap the truck alongside the Golden Guitar in ... Read more

Laundry in the winter: tips and tricks

May 10th, 2012 by

In summer, doing the laundry is as easy as dropping your clothes in the washing machine, waiting for the cycle to end, and sticking them out on the line.  After just a short time in the sun, you have clean and dry clothes.  What could be simpler? Well, I've got news for you: Winter is coming No, that's not an unnecessary Game of Thrones reference (well it is, but ... Read more

Appliances Assemble: creating a kitchen super-team

May 8th, 2012 by

Seen The Avengers yet? In between all the explosions, one-liners, and Robert Downey Jr stealing scenes, there are a few lessons we can learn about appliances. Seriously. If you’re putting together a kitchen, for example, you’ll need appliances that work well individually, but also come together as a team - assemble, if you will - to combine their unique powers and achieve cooking and cleaning greatness. Here's what I mean: High ... Read more

Fire update from Appliances Online

May 3rd, 2012 by

You may have heard about the recent fire near the offices of Appliances Online and Big Brown Box.  You may have heard about it on our Facebook, or perhaps even on the news. Here's our side of the story: It began as just another day at the office - coffees had been drunk, phones were being answered, emails being sent, blogs being worked on.  Lunchtime had come and gone, ... Read more

What I ate on my holidays, and how you can cook it at home

May 2nd, 2012 by

I've recently returned from an adventure through several Asian countries, where I checked out the local history, culture and cuisine.  Even the odd appliance! Here are a few of the local delicacies I sampled on the road, and a quick guide on how you can prepare them yourself. No passport required; just a few handy appliances. Cambodia: Fish Amok Phnom Penh and Siem Reap are amazing destinations.  The first has ... Read more

Appliances… IN SPACE!

March 30th, 2012 by

Taking care of the housework can be a lot of work, though using the latest and greatest gadgets from Appliances Online can save you time and effort. But would those same appliances still be able to help you cook, clean and more without a few of the things we all take for granted, such as gravity, and regular day/night cycles? In other words - what appliances are used ... Read more

Steampunk appliances for the modern home

March 23rd, 2012 by

In this fast-paced modern world where even the fridge is online, what is the point of steam? After all, the Age of Steam was way back in the 19th century, and today you'll only find useful steam-powered gadgets in the imaginations of steampunk artists, right? Wrong. While it is no longer commonly used to power devices such it was during the Industrial Revolution, steam still has an important place ... Read more

Appliances that can help you cook like an Iron Chef

March 20th, 2012 by

If my memory serves me correctly, the one thing people enjoy more than cooking and eating food is watching other people do so on TV.  And a dash of competition gives any cooking show some added spice.  Just look at Masterchef, My Kitchen Rules, Ready Steady Cook… the list goes on. But what of Iron Chef, the Japanese classic that aired from 1993 to 1999, where an ... Read more

Would you get an appliance tattoo?

March 15th, 2012 by

Last weekend, I visited the Sydney Tattoo and Body Art Expo at Sydney Olympic Park, not to get any work done myself, but to provide support and generally cheer on a friend.  In the seven and a half gruelling hours she was under the needle getting an extremely elaborate tattoo completed, my mind took to wandering, and I found myself asking the question: "Has anyone ever cared ... Read more

Appliances for surviving a zombie apocalypse

March 9th, 2012 by

Australians are pretty good at handling themselves in a crisis.  Our rapid responses to the floods, bushfires and more in recent years show that when the pressure’s on, we have what it takes to be ready in the face of natural disasters. But what about UNNATURAL disasters? I am, of course, referring to the very real and totally-not-fictional threat of zombies. Just because the unholy armies of the night ... Read more

Should you drink coffee? Cases for and against

March 8th, 2012 by

Coffee is a big part of everyday life for millions of people throughout Australia and around the world. We drink coffee for all kinds of reasons, from jump-starting our body and mind, to reaping the social benefits of enjoying a relaxing cuppa with friends.  Sometimes we'll drink it out and about, and sometimes we drink it at home, often with the aid of a coffee machine from ... Read more

Four freaky fridges – refrigeration disasters and other weird tales

March 2nd, 2012 by

There's an old joke that goes something like: "This milk is so old, it should be eligible to vote!" *cue laugh track* For many of us, this is funny because at one time or another, it was true.  We've all been there - maybe years ago, or just last week, we've all left something in the fridge for so long that by the time we rediscovered it, it ... Read more

Does chocolate belong in the fridge? We asked, you answered!

February 27th, 2012 by

Australians are passionate about many things.  Sport.  Getting a fair go.  The country's unique culture. And as it turns out, the correct storage conditions for chocolate. After we published the blog Chocolate in the fridge – right or wrong?, we asked for your thoughts on this topic and received an overwhelming response from both sides of the argument. Anti-Fridgers Our Facebook friends were asked to Like our status if they ... Read more

How to keep ants from invading your kitchen

February 27th, 2012 by

Ants can strike at any time.  If the six-legged fiends aren’t already marching two-by-two through your home, then they could very well be planning their next offensive as we speak. There are many reasons to keep ants out of your kitchen.  It’s not a good look for your benchtops and tiles to be moving.  The ants can devour the food you were saving for yourself and your ... Read more