Author Archive for Mark Bristow

More weird and wacky toasters

September 25th, 2012 by

In the tradition of our previous blog, "Ten terrific toasters in weird and wacky designs", we're taking another look across the web for more innovations in the strange and unusual world of breakfast bread preparation. While Appliances Online does stock a variety of great-looking toasters, unfortunately we aren't able to offer you any of the following products.  Many of them are concept designs or custom-built inventions that ... Read more

Reducing stress in the kitchen

September 17th, 2012 by

We’ve talked about spring cleaning your home to improve your everyday routine.  We’ve talked about spring cleaning your body through healthy eating and drinking. Now what about spring cleaning your mind?  How can your kitchen and its appliances help you manage your stress levels? Order your thoughts through cooking We often stress and generally freak out when life spirals out of control in way we don’t expect.  Fortunately, in ... Read more

Snakes… on a dishwasher?

September 14th, 2012 by

What do you do when you order a new kitchen appliance, and it comes delivered with potentially deadly reptile, absolutely free? This unlikely scenario actually happened to an unlucky individual in the United States. According to Business Insider, California resident Jessica Hasson had a dishwasher delivered to her house from a major US retailer.  She noticed it was missing a few key components and was on the phone ... Read more

Appliances for all-nighters

August 24th, 2012 by

If you've been following the news, you may have read about how the billion dollar deal for the broadcasting rights to Australian Rugby League was finalised after a gruelling all-night negotiation. It's understood that the suit-wearing football bosses and media masters ordered takeaway pizza and wheelled an espresso machine into the boardroom to sustain themselves through the night.  The negotiations are supposed to have taken so long, ... Read more

Chop an onion without crying: 13 tips, tricks and strategies

August 13th, 2012 by

It’s a familiar scene – getting the dinner ready, you whip out your trusty blade and prepare to slice and dice some vegetables. Soon, your eyes begin to sting.  Even if you’re feeling on top of the world, tears begin to well in your eyes, and soon you’re sobbing uncontrollably. Bloody onions got you again! Know your enemy The common onion has been used in cooking for thousands of years, ... Read more

Managing springtime allergies and more

August 7th, 2012 by

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were all worried about how we were going to do the laundry in the winter. Now spring is nearly here, bringing with it blooming flowers and trees, warm and windy days, pets rampaging about and shedding their winter coats… Yep; we're heading into allergy season. It’s bad enough that all of these allergy-inducing natural events occur around this time of year, ... Read more

What on Earth are soap nuts?

July 30th, 2012 by

Not long ago, we posted a question on the Appliances Online Facebook page – Washing Powder vs Washing Liquid, what do YOU use at home? While both types of detergent received strong shows of support from their devoted fans, a significant percentage of responders were in favour of a third option: SOAP NUTS A bunch of us, myself included, had never heard of these things, and had no idea ... Read more

Stay safe and prevent appliance-related injuries

July 26th, 2012 by

Appliances are more dangerous than you might expect.  If you're not careful, they can become accidents waiting to happen. We want to keep our customers alive and healthy, so here are a few ways you can avoid being injured by the appliances in your home: Toasters A toaster is normally pretty innocuous, but it can be a potential fire or electrocution risk if you're not careful. Keep your toaster clear ... Read more

Appliances in Space 2: Mission to Mars!

July 23rd, 2012 by

Isn’t it annoying when you’re all psyched to start making dinner, then you realise that there’s no food in the house?  Then you've got to waste a bunch of time heading down to the shops to buy what your need - time that could be spent cooking and eating. Well, what if the nearest shops were around 225 million kilometres away?  And reaching them would involve six ... Read more

Landfill or recycling – What happens to your old appliances?

July 13th, 2012 by

So you’ve bought something new from Appliances Online.  Maybe you’ve replaced the oven that was on its last legs, or that old fridge with the noisy compressor. Our delivery drivers have brought your new appliance home in a shiny truck, plugged it in, and given you a once-over of how it all works.  They've cleaned up all of the packaging and mess, packed your old appliance up ... Read more

Sixteen more Shades of Grey

July 11th, 2012 by

Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James is the bestseller that has taken the world by storm.  The erotic novel is being dissected by book groups, analysed by critics, and gushed about across the internet. It seems to be a book that is either loved or loathed.  One man reportedly so strongly disapproved of his partner's choice in reading material that he tried to show her ... Read more

Appliances for when you’re sick

July 6th, 2012 by

A particularly nasty cold and flu has been making its way around our section of the Appliances Online office, felling each of us for a few days at a time, until we're well enough to drag ourselves back to our desks and pass on the bug to the next lucky sod. This is not an unusual occurrence for an office in winter, and something similar can happen ... Read more

From the Tour de France to Bastille Day: celebrate France this July

July 5th, 2012 by

The people of France have developed an unfair reputation as cheese eating surrender monkeys in recent years, in blatant disregard of the nation’s valuable contribution to the world's history and culture. With the Tour de France back on our screens and Bastille Day less than a fortnight away (14 July, to be exact), it’s high time to start embracing our inner Francophiles. Here are a few ideas to ... Read more

Seven tips for perfect steak

June 28th, 2012 by

The perfect steak is a bit like the Holy Grail – lots of people are searching for it, but everyone has a different idea of exactly what it is and how to find it. With there being as many opinions on what makes a great steak as there are steak aficionados, we've collected seven of the most commonly-recommended pieces of advice to help you reach carnivorous nirvana ... Read more

How to prepare the Healthiest Meal in the World

June 22nd, 2012 by

A team of scientists has designed what is being hailed as 'the healthiest meal in the world,' able to satisfy all 222 health claims accepted by the European Food Safety Authority. While it took 5 years for the EFSA to narrow the 44,000 health claims submitted by its member groups down to just 222, it took the UK's Leatherhead Food Research Group only a week to design ... Read more