Author Archive for Mark Bristow

New Year superstitions – will your luck be good or bad this year?

January 2nd, 2013 by

Happy (slightly belated) New Year, appliance fans! We hope that your New Year's Eve parties were fun, that you've managed to successfully detox following New Year's Day, and that your actions over the holiday will bring you lots of good luck for the rest of 2013. Don't know what we mean by that last part?  Well, there's a whole host of old-timey superstitions and the like associated New ... Read more

How to find a Boxing Day bargain without getting up early

December 20th, 2012 by

The celebration of Boxing Day has been observed in many different ways over the years.  It is believed that the name "Boxing Day" comes from the tradition of masters giving their servants a box full of presents to take home to their families as a reward for their service on Christmas Day - a kind of old-fashioned Christmas Bonus scheme. It is also a traditional day for ... Read more

The 12 Days of (Appliance) Christmas

December 13th, 2012 by

It's getting to about that time of year when you can expect to hear a Christmas song about every seven minutes or so. Maybe you'll hear them on the radio, or over the supermarket PA, or being sung in the street by teams of disarmingly cheerful carolers. Falalalala. So in the spirit of the season, it's time for... The Twelve Days of Christmas, Appliance Edition (singing) "On the twelfth day of Christmas, ... Read more

Protecting your gifts with surge protectors

December 11th, 2012 by

For a gift that keeps on giving, it’s hard to go wrong with an appliance in the Christmas stocking.  Imagine the joy of your friends and loved ones when they unwrap that shiny new gadget, or your own reaction if you were to find something for your kitchen or laundry under the tree… Maybe not quite as happy as this lady, but you get the idea. Okay, maybe ... Read more

Surviving the summer scorchers – what are the best appliances for where you live?

December 6th, 2012 by

How is your household handling summer thus far?  Reckon you'll be able to stay cool when things get hot and dry, or avoid sweating through the sweltering tropical times? The best appliances to keep you cool and comfortable this summer could greatly depend on exactly where you're living and what kind of weather you're likely to experience. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology is predicting that this summer: A wetter ... Read more

How to iron – top tips for the laundry

November 23rd, 2012 by

Every so often, you find yourself attending some variety of VIP event.  In such a case, you need to make an effort to look VI. It’s one thing to dig the glad rags out of the cupboard, but if you’re not a regular attendee of events with a dress code, it can take a bit of work to get your best duds into wearable shape. Unfortunately, that means ... Read more

Open a front loader mid-cycle and rescue your mobile phone

November 15th, 2012 by

Imagine this: you’ve just loaded your laundry into your front loading washing machine, added the detergent, and started the cycle.  All seems well, and you’re about to walk away. Then you hear... a tapping. You turn around, but there is nothing in the laundry but an empty basket and a full washing machine, whose cycle is just beginning. And then, over the whirr of the turning washer, the tapping ... Read more

Travelling in style and luxury – portable dishwasher and washing machine for caravans

November 6th, 2012 by

This holiday season, some brave and bold souls will be hitting the road; hitching their caravans to their four-wheel drives and setting out to see what’s out there in our wide brown land. Very wide.  Very brown. Now, caravanning is traditionally associated with roughing it.  Practically one step away from camping, caravanning means long drives, rough beds, and a distinct lack of amenities.  Even at a well-appointed caravan ... Read more

What the heck is Holiday Mode, and will you need it this year?

November 1st, 2012 by

In these last couple of months before Christmas, New Years and all that jazz, it’s high time for many of us to start sorting out our plans for the season. Will you be going away?  Visiting distant family?  Getting away from it all on a beach, up a mountain, or across the seas? In between planning the transport, the accommodation, and how much everything is going to cost, ... Read more

Five early Christmas present ideas

October 23rd, 2012 by

Noticed how the Christmas decorations have already started appearing down at your local shops, even though the Season To Be Jolly is still a few months away? While it may be a bit early to start stocking up on blinking lights and candy canes, it could be a good time to start thinking about this year's Christmas gifts. Shopping online does let you beat the holiday queues, but ... Read more

Tips for hosting a better barbeque this summer

October 18th, 2012 by

While Australians are willing to barbeque at any given time of year, the warmer summer months tend to be the traditional season to head outside and dust off the old grill. With these months fast approaching, we thought it high time to look at how to host a barbeque, whether you’re firing up a gigantic six-burner in the backyard, or just getting out on the patio and ... Read more

Designing modern and classic kitchens with Falcon ovens

October 16th, 2012 by

Kitchens aren’t solely food storage and preparation zones - they're also spaces in our homes where we socialise and entertain family and friends.  Thus, it's important for our kitchens to have some personality, so they can be attractive as well as functional. Some of us prefer to give our kitchens an ultra-modern look, with stainless steel appliances covered in electronic controls, though others may find this all a bit cold and soulless. Some of us prefer ... Read more

The weird world of washing machines

October 16th, 2012 by

Overall, washing machines are pretty ordinary.  There’s top loaders, there’s front loaders, and that’s pretty much about it. While each new model of washing machine adds improved performance, additional features and whiz-bang gizmos, they almost all share a fairly similar design. Or do they? Here’s a batch of washing machine designs that have pushed the envelope and tried something new… even if they have turned out a bit weird. SMEG ... Read more

Four things to do in a blackout

October 11th, 2012 by

It happens to the best of us.  Maybe you’re relaxing at home, or trying to get some things done at work, when the power goes out and you’re suddenly left in the dark. If you’ve invested in some quality appliances from Appliances Online, there are a few steps you can take to make sure they are protected, along with your home and your loved ones, in the ... Read more

Save money on your power bill – tips for efficiently running your fridge

October 3rd, 2012 by

Sometimes the real cost of a new kitchen appliance doesn’t become apparent until a few months after its purchase, when your next electricity bill arrives.  And with energy prices always changing, it's always worth finding ways to reduce the amount of power your appliances guzzle. Here are a few tips on how to keep an everyday fridge running efficiently and effectively: Keep it full Fridges operate by chilling the ... Read more