Author Archive for Mark Bristow

Top ten uses for wine (besides drinking)

July 4th, 2013 by

Dry July has arrived again, with many of us fond of the odd tipple hanging up the wine glasses and switching to coffee in the name of charity. But what to do with that leftover wine in the house (assuming any survived the pre-July period)?  After all, even with a screw-cap, wine can start to oxidise and go off once it's been opened, meaning it may not ... Read more

Appliances to beat the winter blues

July 2nd, 2013 by

When it’s winter and the weather is cold and miserable, the temptation to hibernate can be very strong.  Alas, human beings aren’t actually grizzly bears, and you can’t stay wrapped up under the doona for the entire season. During winter, it's easy to find yourself struggling to summon up the motivation to take care of all that regular maintenance and housework your home requires.  You might be ... Read more

Enjoy Samsung’s affordable and energy-efficent 3050 fridges – win one on Facebook!

July 2nd, 2013 by

When you’re in the market for a new fridge, what exactly should you be looking for? Obviously you’ll want a fridge that comes in the right size, designed to suit the needs of your household.  But in the end, even the greatest fridge in the world is no good if it has a price tag that's through the roof, or if it's an energy guzzler that will ... Read more

17 tips for moving house with appliances

June 20th, 2013 by

Whether you’re a student renter living a nomadic urban lifestyle, or a home-owner upgrading to a better place, moving house can be a stressful and painful experience. "Where's Junior?" In addition to packing your life into boxes to be entrusted to the care of two men and a truck, you also need to get your appliances ready to move them safely and without incident. Here are some tips to ... Read more

Small appliances – can’t live with ‘em, or can’t live without ‘em?

June 17th, 2013 by

One of the first pieces of advice typically given to anyone looking at reorganising a cluttered kitchen is to get rid of everything you don’t use.  Alas, more than a few different small appliances fall into this category, rarely getting used for anything more than gathering dust and getting in the way. An impressive collection, but how many do you REALLY need? But certain small appliances, especially single-use ... Read more

World leaders step up to tackle climate change – how your appliances can help

June 11th, 2013 by

News recently broke that US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have agreed to do something about the greenhouse gas production of their respective countries.  Specifically, they’ll be winding back the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Image source: ABC “Waitaminute,” I hear you say, “why am I reading this on the Appliances Online blog?  How is international politics relevant here?  Where are the blogs about ... Read more

Old beer fridge knocks out neighbourhood wireless network – will yours?

June 7th, 2013 by

Many Australians have a special place in their heart for the backyard beer fridge, so when one of these hardworking appliances goes wrong, it’s SERIOUS BUSINESS. That said, generally when our bar fridge blows out, the worst problems we have to deal with are drinking warm beer and ordering a replacement from Appliances Online, neither of which is especially challenging. So spare a thought for Craig Reynolds of ... Read more

Decoding appliance jargon

June 3rd, 2013 by

Appliances aren't always as simple as we'd like them to be.  Even the most straightforward functions of everyday household gadgets are sometimes described in such confusing technical jargon that even experts are left scratching their heads. Since we're all about keeping appliances simple at Appliances Online, here's our guide to a few of the terms that we've found confusing, what they mean, and what they can do ... Read more

25 wonderfully weird novelty rangehoods

May 27th, 2013 by

It's that time again - time for Appliances Online to take you through some of the most creative, imaginative, and... well, weird interpretations of a common household appliance. We've previously covered toasters, washing machines and fridges - now it's time for rangehoods. While we may have found this rangehood over at The Concrete Cottage, it is most certainly not made of concrete.  False advertising I say, even if ... Read more

How to get motivated in the laundry

May 22nd, 2013 by

Housework is boring.  I hope that we can all agree on this. I know that some people achieve a degree of satisfaction from getting their household jobs done, but many of us struggle to keep up with our home maintenence when we'd much rather be doing something else. Doing the laundry seems to be a particular bugbear on may of our backs, and one that's all to easy ... Read more

Ten creative uses for a sandwich press

May 20th, 2013 by

It’s been a long-running joke in the Appliances Online office that the world’s greatest cooking appliance isn’t an advanced induction cooktop or fancy steam oven, but rather the humble sandwich press. Sunbeam Sandwich Press & Contact Grill GR8450 The theory (mostly held by the office's bachelors) says that since the sandwich press offers a rapidly-heating means of cooking on not just one, but TWO different surfaces at once, ... Read more

Five more weird fridges

May 14th, 2013 by

It seems that we just can't get enough of weird fridges here at Appliances Online.  If we're not blogging about odd fridge designs, or fridges arranged into elaborate public art displays, we're looking at tales of refrigeration disasters, or fridges that have been overrun with felines. So here are a few more fridges that we 've pulled from the bowels of the internet and why they've impressed ... Read more

Five kitchen urban legends explored

May 9th, 2013 by

The kitchen is a place for cooking, and as recipes and techniques are passed down from generation to generation, cooking is an activity surrounded by legends and folklore.  However, as Doctor Henry Jones Junior once pointed out, folklore can sometimes prove dangerous when it starts being accepted as fact. In addition to legends about food, more than a few myths have been passed down regarding appliances as ... Read more

Mother’s Day gift ideas: iLuv Dock and Roberts Digital Radio

May 2nd, 2013 by

As mentioned by the ever-insightful Louise in her blog Mother’s Day gift idea: Breville fruit and vegetable juicer, a lot of the stereotypes about mothers out there are patronising at best and flat-out wrong at worst. One motherhood myth in dire need of busting is the idea that Mums are behind the times when it comes to technology.  Even if this is sometimes true, it doesn't have ... Read more

A great time to save on Asko appliances

May 1st, 2013 by

Asko produces a range of quality appliances for the entire home, but we're especially fond of how its dishwashers and laundry appliances are designed to operate efficiently and save water. To help keep your home organised and clean, selected Asko laundry appliances and dishwashers are now on sale, so you can also get an amazing deal.  By purchasing an Asko appliance before the end of July, you ... Read more