Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

Quick fixes for cold snaps

July 13th, 2015 by

We Australians love to poke a bit of fun at our friends in the northern hemisphere for being unable to handle hot weather (“Temperatures may reach 30 degrees C in Britain? The poor dears…”*). That said, we ‘strayans can also be massive sooks when things get a bit chilly (“Snow? What is this I can’t even.”). source: Fir0002 on Wikimedia Commons While prevention is always the best cure (possibly ... Read more

Vacuum Suction: What to do when your vacuum won’t suck or has lost suction?

July 10th, 2015 by

Why do vacuum cleaners lose suction? There are quite a few possible reasons. If your vacuum doesn't run as well as it used to, before you invest in a new model, go through this handy checklist: Check the vacuum cleaner bag: Vacuum cleaner bags collect all the dust and dirt collecting for bagged vacuum cleaners. These bags are designed so that air flows out of them but the dust ... Read more

What to look for in an Air Purifier

July 9th, 2015 by

Don’t want to get sick this winter?  Even if you’ve already had your flu injections, and are keeping your home meticulously clean, completely protecting your loved ones from germs sometimes requires some special equipment – in this case, an air purifier. Here's a brief guide to the kinds of features to look for when selecting an air purifier for your home: Performance Not every air purifier is created equal.  ... Read more

How to wash anything – handling tricky laundry

July 8th, 2015 by

Do you own a few special items of clothing that you can’t just toss in with the rest of your laundry load? These are usually those really nice things too, the ones that are the most expensive and the most difficult to replace. So what if they get dirty?  What then? Fear not, loyal reader.  Though the night be dark, Appliances Online be delving into the darkest depths ... Read more

Christmas in July with a summer twist – vegan ice-cream with Cuisinart

July 7th, 2015 by

In Australia, people host Christmas in July to emulate the traditional European winter Christmas. It’s my family tradition to include a mango treat at Christmas, and this mango ice-cream will be served for dessert at our Christmas in July lunch. Made with coconut milk, this ice-cream recipe (inspired by this one from Cookie+Kate) is great for those who are vegan or have a lactose intolerance. The recipe base ... Read more

Why doesn’t my dishwasher wash my dishes?

July 3rd, 2015 by

Is there anything more frustrating than an appliance that doesn't do its job properly? "Scrub faster, troops!" (source: Jim Bauer on Flickr) There are a number of possible reasons for your dishwasher to do a shoddy job, and fortunately, there are also a number of solutions to these problems.  And most of these solutions don't require too much time, effort or expense, either... Change your detergent The reason there are ... Read more

Think beyond whitegoods – fill your home with colour!

July 2nd, 2015 by

Appliances looking a bit on the dull side? Whitegoods all too white? Whether designing your new kitchen, or spicing up your existing home, it can pay to look beyond the standard range of appliance products. Consider adding some colour to your daily household tools. Despite what you may think about appliances and whitegoods, they do in fact come in more than just stainless steel and white; they actually ... Read more

Basic Kitchen Design – tops tips for renovating or building

July 1st, 2015 by

Whether you’re building a new kitchen for your home, or fixing one up with the goal of selling, you should always begin with a plan. source: wikipedia To help you get started, here are a few simple kitchen design ideas, and some basic advice for creating an efficient working space that also looks great: The Kitchen Working Triangle This classic concept has formed the backbone of kitchen designs since the ... Read more

How to fight the winter blues: easy ways to keep you and your family warm and sickness-free this winter

June 26th, 2015 by

It’s wet, cold, and all our coats and scarves have come out of hiding. Yes, winter is definitely upon us, and with winter usually comes colder temperatures, and the dreaded man flu! [caption id="attachment_32693" align="aligncenter" width="266"] Image courtesy of stockimages at[/caption] Below are few of my favourite ways to beat the winter blues, as well as tips and tricks that will help you and your family. Soup glorious ... Read more

Replacing your fridge – a quick checklist

June 24th, 2015 by

Has your fridge just died? Need a new one straight away, before your ice melts and your veggies go off?  Not enough time to shop around in-store for the perfect replacement? Here’s a quick guide to how to take control of your situation and get your fridge problem solved! Don’t Panic You’ll probably be feeling a few different emotions just now. Likely a fair bit of frustration, a sprinkle ... Read more

Top tips for hygienic cooking

June 23rd, 2015 by

It’s important to eat healthy, making sure you choose recipes and ingredients with a balanced mix of fresh food groups. But it’s also important to cook healthy, keeping your kitchen clean and germ-free. Here are a few simple tips to help reduce the spread of germs through your kitchen and ensure that your food is handled safely: Wash everything but your meats Before you start cooking, make sure that ... Read more

Appliances for renters – portable appliances and more

June 22nd, 2015 by

Are you living the semi-nomadic life of a tenant? Whether you move house every time your lease runs out, or your technically temporary accomodation has practically become semi-permanent, a renter's appliance situation can sometimes be a bit unusual.  While your landlord may own some of the appliances in your rental home, you'll need to supply the rest. You could also rent the other appliances you need, but a ... Read more

All about that bass: how to set up subwoofers

June 20th, 2015 by

Whether you're listening to a new album or the soundtrack of your favourite movie or TV show, it'll always sound better on an amazing audio system. source: regan76 on Flickr But if you want to not only hear the sound from your speakers, but feel its rumble in your bones, then you'll need an audio system featuring one or more subwoofers to really bring home the bass. Do I ... Read more

Appliance Questions: Top mount or bottom mount fridge?

June 15th, 2015 by

A fridge is a long-term investment, so you’ll want to make sure you choose the best model to suit your kitchen, your home, and your family's needs. The two most popular fridge designs are the top mount fridge (with the freezer on top of the fridge) and the bottom mount fridge (with the fridge on top of the freezer). While these two fridge designs are fairly similar in ... Read more

Baking on the cooktop – no oven needed?

June 11th, 2015 by

Over the years we've learned of a staggering array of strange and unusual cooking techniques, ranging from sausages in the kettle to fish in the dishwasher. Some of these techniques are born out of necessity, while others are the result of experimentation worthy of a mad scientist. Today's we're looking at another unusual cooking method - can you use your cooktop for baking? Why not just use the oven? Many ... Read more