Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

7 tips for first time home renovators

January 30th, 2012 by

A recent study for Winning Appliances has revealed just over half (51%) of Australian homeowners are planning to renovate within the next four years. Around one-quarter (28%), or 1.1 million households, plan to renovate within 12 months. Among those planning to renovate: One third (37%) will renovate their bathroom, One quarter (28%) will renovate their kitchen, One quarter (25%) will renovate their living areas, 18% will renovate the laundry. John Winning, CEO of Appliances ... Read more

Online appliance shopping on the rise

January 19th, 2012 by

If online shopping trends in the United Kingdom are anything to go by, Australians can expect to buy household appliances online even more than before. Whitegoods accounted for almost a million searches on Google UK in the month before Christmas, according to independent specialist search and social marketing agency, Greenlight. [caption id="attachment_4617" align="alignright" width="267" caption="People flex their fingers to let the tapping do the buying"][/caption] About 38 per cent ... Read more

Five New Years Resolutions that Appliances Online can help you keep

January 3rd, 2012 by

What do you plan to accomplish in this fresh New Year?  If you’re stuck for resolution ideas, or have already broken your first set, here are a few that may be a bit easier to keep with the help of Appliances Online: Learn to cook Preparing quality meals from scratch is a valuable skill that both you and your loved ones can benefit from.  Fresh ingredients that are ... Read more

Should You Buy Extended Warranty Insurance?

April 15th, 2009 by

Often, people ask about the extended warranty for their products. All manufacturers'  products will come with 1 or 2 year parts and labour warranty. This factory warranty tends to run out very quickly and we hear regularly that appliances have died or started to fail in some way just after the manufacturers warranty finishes. Occasionally, you hear rumours that manufacturers design their machines to break right after ... Read more

How To Impress Girls With Appliances

May 2nd, 2007 by

Having trouble with the ladies? Don't know how to impress girls? I'll let you in on a few tips that teach you to impress girls and have them lining up for dates. Don't let yourself think it's any coincidence that you don't have the latest and greatest accessories for the home and you're not having the greatest dating success. New and improved appliances are like the jewellery on a ... Read more

10 Buying Appliances Tips – A Must-Do Checklist

April 9th, 2007 by

When you think about it, buying appliances can have a significant effect on the way your household functions. You should have to settle for nothing less than the perfect appliances for you and your family to live with. Once they are purchased, they will ideally be forgotten about, and should become part of the structure of the home. Used every day, and by the majority of the ... Read more

Buying Appliances 101 – Appliances Online’s Buying Guides

March 22nd, 2007 by

Appliance Online's Buying Guides will help you to get the right appliances for your household. There are certain shopping strategies that one would be wise to follow when looking to go about buying appliances. Firstly, when buying appliances, measurements of the size of space intended for the machine must be made. Ensure too that the space in which the appliance door will open is large enough. Second, and perhaps ... Read more