Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

Check out the kitchen kaleidoscope!

February 21st, 2012 by

Look out – dynamic colour is reinventing the hitherto dull-grey world of kitchen appliances.  Industry leaders such as Morphy Richards are providing bright, bold alternatives to the neutral colours that traditionally dominate the kitchen. Nick Chernin, small appliance buyer at Appliances Online, says that colour has become the defining trend for 2012. “We see people buying toasters, kettles, and even irons to match their splashbacks... people are ... Read more

Chocolate in the fridge – right or wrong?

February 20th, 2012 by

We’re now partway between Valentine’s Day and Easter, making this a prime season for chocolate-lovers.  Shops are putting their leftover heart-shaped choccies on special and introducing new varieties in the shape of eggs and rabbits. But whether you're saving the sweets from your sweetheart for later or building a burrow for the Bunny in advance, opinion is divided over whether chocolate should be stored in the fridge ... Read more

Seven tips for moving a fridge

February 17th, 2012 by

Moving house?  Taking your trusty appliances with you?  Here’s a guide from Appliances Online to moving one of the biggest, most awkward and most sensitive appliances around – the refrigerator. Empty the fridge first This should be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised by how many people forget about it.  Eat up the food you don’t want to lose, and let the rest go (maybe store the good ... Read more

Shhh! How to get your appliances to pipe down

February 16th, 2012 by

Between the drone of the fridge, the rangehood's roar and a gurgling dishwasher it can take a maverick effort to find a bit of peace and quiet at home. "I once inherited an old fridge with a very dodgy compressor," says Mark Bristow. "Every time it started up, it sounded like a combination of a truck driving past, an aeroplane flying low overhead, and a rocket blasting off." Sound ... Read more

Eight terrible appliance jokes

February 15th, 2012 by

I remember it perfectly. Crouching down in the shady hallway, sholders hunched, my 10-year-old heart racing as I reached for the receiver and dialled a number at random. "Is your fridge running?" I asked the unsuspecting victim on the other end of the line. "Because I think I just saw it running down the street." It was at once mortifying and exhilirating. And it's terribe short joke #1 in our list. #2: Q: What did the first sock ... Read more

Love Me Blender – Happy Valentine’s Day to your appliances

February 14th, 2012 by

Valentine's Day is the day when we show our appreciation to those we love.  We've previously taken you through how to say I love you with appliances, but what if the one you love is an appliance? How can you express your love for appliances through love poetry and song? The contributors over at Suburban Correspondent managed to dream up some doozys during their Appliance Poetry Slam: My microwave ... Read more

Six quick meals for feeding surprise guests

February 13th, 2012 by

We all love guests and the companionship they bring, but being a host is a big responsibility, which is made trickier when guests take you by surprise.  If a long-lost relative comes calling, a child organises an impromptu sleepover, or an old friend drops by unannounced, how can you fulfil your hosting duties with flair and make an impression on your guests? Keeping your guests well-fed is ... Read more

Kitchen appliances used to sell homes

February 13th, 2012 by

A Smeg oven and Caessarstone kitchen benches have been highlighted as key selling points for Rob Jahrling's (Sydney Olympics 2000 Men's eights rowing Silver medalist) $1.3 million property at Balgowlah, Sydney. A kitchen and it's appliances may not make or break a sale, but they are definitely a "tick in the right box", according to Sue O'Brien from Raine and Horne Manly. O'Brien, who is managing the the Balgowlah sale, told Appliances Online that the latest ... Read more

How to say ‘I love you’ with appliances this Valentine’s Day

February 9th, 2012 by

Stumped for Valentine's gift ideas? With less than a week to go before this horrible wonderful day, you'll need to get your act together. Roses and chocolates are uninspired and clichéd (not to mention overpriced) – what you need is something original and thoughtful. Also great is a gift that keeps on giving, not something flimsy that will only end up in the bin. Because what kind of a ... Read more

Appliances Online boss responds to ACCC media campaign

February 9th, 2012 by

Appliances Online chief, John Winning, has supported a recent media campaign by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) by saying that value and customer service is the paramount feature of his retail business. The aim of the campaign is to highlight to consumers their rights in relation to faulty products and poor service. Winning said the company works to "impress every customer", every day of the year with old fashioned customer satisfaction values. Winning is encouraging customers to call ... Read more

Managing mornings for flat-out families

February 8th, 2012 by

The school year is back on again, meaning a shift in the everyday routines of what politicians like to call working families.  While it can be a relief for parents to have the kids out of the house for much of the day, getting them ready and out the door in the first place can be stressful and a real organisational challenge. So today Appliances Online asks ... Read more

World Nutella Day and other odd food holidays

February 6th, 2012 by

Happy World Nutella Day!  I hope that this year you’ll get lots of Nutella-related presents, be visited by the Nutella Fairy and enjoy the Nutella Parades. A lot of the above was made up by me, but it is true that the 5th of February is World Nutella Day – a real celebration of hazelnut spread, with no actual affiliation with the manufacturer or any government bodies.  ... Read more

Feng shui tips for the kitchen

February 3rd, 2012 by

Feng shui is all about the flow of energy, or qi (chee) as the Chinese refer to it. Traditionally the Chinese used feng shui to orient buildings with spiritual significance but today it's part of an international popular culture making the environment in one's home more balanced and conducive to positive energy flow. Feng shui tips abound for bedrooms, living rooms, and offices. But what about the hearth of the home, the ... Read more

World’s weirdest appliance designs

February 2nd, 2012 by

The future is here, and with it a slew of strange and wonderful appliances. Ranging from the funny to the frightening, many of these appliances have been designed for situations where space is tight. (Hence why most originated in Japan). Whether or not they'll take off in Australia remains to be seen, but in the meantime here is our quick guide to some of the world's weirdest appliances: 1. ... Read more

What are the best appliances for an apartment?

January 31st, 2012 by

Whether you call them units, flats or strata homes, apartments often require specific kinds of appliances to give their occupants all the convenience they need while minimising their use of space. What to look for Living in an apartment, whether you rent or own, you soon learn that space is a premium commodity.  Even the largest apartments can quickly become overwhelmed by clutter if not carefully organised. If you’re ... Read more