Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

“He buzzes like a fridge” – how appliances have inspired Radiohead

March 5th, 2012 by

In case you've been living under a rock for the past week, a little-known band called 'Radiohead' will be touring Australia in November 2012. Upon hearing this news, some of the more fanatical fans could be seen dancing around their offices, hyperventilating with excitement, screaming "Radiohead are coming!" and weeping uncontrollably with joy. 'Certainly, Radiohead is the best band in the entire universe,' you are probably saying, 'but ... Read more

Kitchen appliances that save you money

March 2nd, 2012 by

Money talks, but all it ever says is "goodbye," goes the American proverb. Not so at At Appliances Online! We are going to reveal what everyday appliances you can use that will make you say, "Hello! Welcome back, Bob." Most of these penny saving tools you will already have sitting neatly on the benchtop or in the cupboard. The Electric Kettle Really! It is the most energy efficient way of ... Read more

Four freaky fridges – refrigeration disasters and other weird tales

March 2nd, 2012 by

There's an old joke that goes something like: "This milk is so old, it should be eligible to vote!" *cue laugh track* For many of us, this is funny because at one time or another, it was true.  We've all been there - maybe years ago, or just last week, we've all left something in the fridge for so long that by the time we rediscovered it, it ... Read more

10 Unexpected Ways Appliances Have Improved Our Lives

March 1st, 2012 by

Appliances are great, you probably think on a daily basis. Ha-ha, we know, some of our best friends are appliances. But there's so much more to them than meets the eye. Here's 10 reasons why: 1. Washing Machines: Wallet missing? Can't find those vital receipts? If you're like me, invariably you'll find them in the pants you put in the last load of laundry - thereby ... Read more

[FLOW CHART] How to choose a dishwasher!

March 1st, 2012 by

Our customers kept asking for an easier way to choose their next dishwasher, so we created this easy to follow flowchart! Have you got a family of seven or are you a solo flying city slicker who hasn't cooked a meal in a year? Would you like a colourful appliance to match your trendy kitchen or are the growing collection of toddlers' hands smearing everything mean you prefer ... Read more

Love your home? Win free tickets to the Brisbane Home Show

March 1st, 2012 by

Appliances Online has 23 double passes to give away to the Home Show at Brisbane next week. It's a building and renovation extravaganza set up to inspire the homebody within. So whether you're renovating, upgrading or you just like to marvel at new designer kitchens, the Home Show will give you fresh ideas to revive your humble abode. Cooking shows presented by chefs with exotic names will flaunt ... Read more

Love wine? Love a wine storage cabinet

February 28th, 2012 by

Fermented fruit juice never tasted so good. Rich, intoxicating, delicious wine. Let's keep it that way with a wine storage cabinet. Wine, like any other foodstuff is a natural and perishable product; as such, it requires preservation. Heat, light, temperature, humidity and movement can affect red, whites, sparklings and fortified wines, causing them to spoil. "I drink it when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it ... Read more

Top 10 great movies starring appliances in pivotal roles!

February 28th, 2012 by

We here at Appliances Online respect the Academy's right to award their Oscars to predominantly human actors, but we would like everyone to pause for a moment to consider the role that appliances have made in elevating the art of film-making to new heights. Presenting, for your enjoyment, some of the defining movie roles performed by bits of plastic, aluminium and metal (not including the cast of ... Read more

Does chocolate belong in the fridge? We asked, you answered!

February 27th, 2012 by

Australians are passionate about many things.  Sport.  Getting a fair go.  The country's unique culture. And as it turns out, the correct storage conditions for chocolate. After we published the blog Chocolate in the fridge – right or wrong?, we asked for your thoughts on this topic and received an overwhelming response from both sides of the argument. Anti-Fridgers Our Facebook friends were asked to Like our status if they ... Read more

How to keep ants from invading your kitchen

February 27th, 2012 by

Ants can strike at any time.  If the six-legged fiends aren’t already marching two-by-two through your home, then they could very well be planning their next offensive as we speak. There are many reasons to keep ants out of your kitchen.  It’s not a good look for your benchtops and tiles to be moving.  The ants can devour the food you were saving for yourself and your ... Read more

How to make space in a small kitchen, and the fridge warranty fiasco

February 24th, 2012 by

Thin is in with appliance makers turning to smaller, more space efficient appliances that make living in units, condos and apartments easier. Looking around it seems as if we're all trying to save things. We are saving time, saving money, we're even saving sharks. What about saving space?! It is a particularly valued commodity in the city where some of us are only using the fridge for a ... Read more

Australia spills – our leading tips

February 23rd, 2012 by

A lot of people have been talking about spills lately.  While managing the political kind takes a lot of time and effort, managing common household spills in the kitchen can actually be surprisingly easy. Here are thirteen tips for managing spills: 1. Make sure that your kitchen workspace is clear and uncluttered, providing fewer distractions and making any spills that do happen easier to get to and clean. 2. ... Read more

Robo-flop: why are we still waiting for domestic droids?

February 22nd, 2012 by

What if an all-purpose robot maid was the latest home appliance? Someone to empty the dishwasher, vacuum the house, walk the dog, and clunk around saying “affirmative” in an adorable electronic monotone? Keep dreaming. For now. News today out of the US indicates robotics still has a way to go before attaining the sci-fi fantasy. Seven adult-size "HUBO" robots were on display at Drexel University to kick ... Read more

Samsung’s new hot brand ambassador

February 21st, 2012 by

Freestyle sensation and Olympic hopeful James 'The Missile' Magnussen is Samsung Electronics Australia's latest (hot) brand ambassador. The sponsorship comes in the lead up to the London Games later this year and Samsung says the partnership is "perfect". Magnussen will appear in a series of Olympic-related ads for Samsung across TV, print and online. He will also make a number of appearances for Samsung, starting with last ... Read more

Happy Pancake Day!

February 21st, 2012 by

Happy Pancake Day!  If you haven’t already tucked into a stack of pancakes, crepes, flapjacks, pikelets or other sweet or savoury treats, now’s the perfect time to grab the ingredients you'll need to round out the day (geddit?) with a batch. Unlike many other arbitrary food holidays (which are often the invention of food manufacturers as a marketing ploy), Pancake Day has a traditional origin.  Shrove Tuesday ... Read more