Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

Steampunk appliances for the modern home

March 23rd, 2012 by

In this fast-paced modern world where even the fridge is online, what is the point of steam? After all, the Age of Steam was way back in the 19th century, and today you'll only find useful steam-powered gadgets in the imaginations of steampunk artists, right? Wrong. While it is no longer commonly used to power devices such it was during the Industrial Revolution, steam still has an important place ... Read more

How to host the perfect dinner party

March 23rd, 2012 by

A recipe for the perfect dinner party has equal measures of food and mood. Dinner parties involve effort, they are intimate and very rewarding. The essential ingredient though, is you. My Mum is an exceptional entertainer and I have been raised in the throes of more dinner parties than I care to remember. But there's one I don't forget. Mum was hosting dinner for six acquaintances, not yet friends. ... Read more

Put the kitsch back into the kitchen

March 22nd, 2012 by

For fun's sake, old is new - and delicious - again in the kitchen. Cooking like a master chef doesn't mean you have to make meals in a monotone, industrial looking kitchen. All that stainless steel can be so serious, so boring! If cooking is a creative art you might be inadvertantly dulling your culinary craft. What better way to get your creative mojo flowing than with a playful, ... Read more

5 weird and awesome ways to love bacon

March 22nd, 2012 by

Woohoo! It's Australian Bacon Week at last! The little piggy can get a bit of a bad wrap sometimes, what with all the fat and all, but don't be rash...pork is also a powerhouse meat and an excellent source of: Protein vitamin B12 vitamin B6 thiamin Niacin You don't have to take my word for it - a true bacon buff, one Homer Simpson, thinks pigs are a "wonderful, magical animal!" Let's mix things ... Read more

Appliances to hibernate with this autumn and winter

March 21st, 2012 by

There's no escaping it! The leaves are turning, the nights are cooler, the southerlies have just that little bit more bite. With the exception of the Northern Territory and those lucky sods in Queensland, the rest of us are well into autumn and preparing for the inevitable winter witch that follows. But it's not all that bad! It means that it's time for the opposite of a spring clean. It's ... Read more

Appliances that can help you cook like an Iron Chef

March 20th, 2012 by

If my memory serves me correctly, the one thing people enjoy more than cooking and eating food is watching other people do so on TV.  And a dash of competition gives any cooking show some added spice.  Just look at Masterchef, My Kitchen Rules, Ready Steady Cook… the list goes on. But what of Iron Chef, the Japanese classic that aired from 1993 to 1999, where an ... Read more

Shamrocking appliances to celebrate St Patrick’s Day

March 16th, 2012 by

There once was a young man named Crocket, Who kept putting his fingers in sockets. They reviewed him one time at Appliances Online, Now everyone wants one in their pocket! Happy St Patrick's Day! Did you know that St Patrick's Day marks the arrival of Christianity in Ireland hundreds of years ago? With all the green beer, parades and parties, who would've thought? Here are a few St Patrick's Day appliances to ... Read more

Would you get an appliance tattoo?

March 15th, 2012 by

Last weekend, I visited the Sydney Tattoo and Body Art Expo at Sydney Olympic Park, not to get any work done myself, but to provide support and generally cheer on a friend.  In the seven and a half gruelling hours she was under the needle getting an extremely elaborate tattoo completed, my mind took to wandering, and I found myself asking the question: "Has anyone ever cared ... Read more

9 things you must do before renovating or building: part 3/5

March 15th, 2012 by

Righto, so far in this five part series we've looked at why you should research building, and how to figure out what it is you're really looking for. We've then taken our ideas and put pen to paper, writing a brief that will help clarify our needs over our wants. We've considered how much money we have to play with, we may have even pulled in our plans ... Read more

12 top ideas for reusing coffee grounds

March 13th, 2012 by

Slightly acidic, abrasive and aromatic, old coffee grounds have a surprising variety of uses, from reducing cellulite to helping your garden grow. If you're partial to a cup of joe, don't let the daily grind pile up on you! Here are 12 beans of wisdom for reusing coffee grounds. Personal coffee ground care Grounds are a cellulite buster, says You could spend hundreds of dollars on creams and ... Read more

Should eggs be kept in the fridge or not?

March 12th, 2012 by

There are arguments for both keeping eggs in the fridge and for keeping eggs in the cupboard - but for fear of sitting on the fence (think Humpty Dumpty) we're going with the most recommended option, the fridge. The case for the eggs in the fridge. Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, easy to prepare and affordable to boot. Don't let them go to waste! Eggs will be kept ... Read more

9 things you must do before renovating or building: part 1/5

March 12th, 2012 by

This week on the AOL Blog we'll be looking at 9 essential things you must consider before renovating or building, according to heritage building designer Peter Latemore. This website had a chance to chat with the building expert and siphon some pearls of wisdom from him last week at the Home Show at Brisbane. Here are the first two from Latemore's list of essential considerations. Research You! Ask yourself ... Read more

How does a microwave work?

March 9th, 2012 by

There's no doubt that microwaves have revolutionised the kitchen. From re-heating leftovers ("zap it in the microwave") to meals in a minute, the ease and efficiency of microwaves has seen them become an ubiquitous kitchen appliance. But how does a microwave work? How does it heat and cook ten times faster than an oven or a cooktop? The oven's namesake, microwaves, are a type of radio wave that ... Read more

Appliances for surviving a zombie apocalypse

March 9th, 2012 by

Australians are pretty good at handling themselves in a crisis.  Our rapid responses to the floods, bushfires and more in recent years show that when the pressure’s on, we have what it takes to be ready in the face of natural disasters. But what about UNNATURAL disasters? I am, of course, referring to the very real and totally-not-fictional threat of zombies. Just because the unholy armies of the night ... Read more

Should you drink coffee? Cases for and against

March 8th, 2012 by

Coffee is a big part of everyday life for millions of people throughout Australia and around the world. We drink coffee for all kinds of reasons, from jump-starting our body and mind, to reaping the social benefits of enjoying a relaxing cuppa with friends.  Sometimes we'll drink it out and about, and sometimes we drink it at home, often with the aid of a coffee machine from ... Read more