Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

5 Essential Appliances You Need To Cure A Hangover

May 17th, 2012 by

So you had a quite a lot to drink with your mates last night. You were feeling pretty peachey at the time. It was the advent of a new era of peace, love and understanding. You may or may not have spent at least an hour talking to a tree. And it was only decent and right to have those tequila shots. Hell, if you had refused, ... Read more

Clumsy servants inspired dishwasher invention

May 16th, 2012 by

You'd be forgiven for assuming that a disgruntled housewife must have invented the dishwasher in the 1950's. And you'd be partly correct. It was in fact a man who patented the idea even a hundred years earlier but yes, it was because of a woman that the dishwasher as we know it came to fruition. Not because she was tired of doing the dirty dishes, Josephine Cochran was ... Read more

How to move appliances without damaging floors

May 16th, 2012 by

Hard, shiny floors that make kitchen messes a breeze to wipe up are also devastatingly easy to damage when moving heavy appliances. Vinyl and wood are susceptible to scratches and scuffing, and depending on how deep the marks are, they can be tricky to repair. Small repairs to vinyl floors are relatively simple with fix it kits from hardware stores, but scratches on wooden floorboards may require sanding and ... Read more

Ten terrific toasters in weird and wacky designs

May 16th, 2012 by

For breakfast this morning, I ate toast.  It wasn’t particularly exciting. Perhaps this is because my toaster is a fairly basic stainless steel model, without much personality. If you ever wished that your toast could be more exciting, here are a few wacky toasters to try: Watchmen toaster Remember the movie?  Or the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons?  Well, now you can add a bit of deconstruction ... Read more

Big Things of Australia (that you may not have heard of)

May 14th, 2012 by

If you travel Australia as much as the Appliances Online delivery drivers, while out on the road you inevitably come across one or more of Australia's Big Things - oversized monuments to favourite objects of special significance to their area. For just one example, one our drivers (with sister company Winning Appliances) celebrated a delivery to Tamworth with this snap the truck alongside the Golden Guitar in ... Read more

Sweeten up Mum by helping out in the house

May 10th, 2012 by

I wonder if some Mum's would prefer it if someone actually did the vacuuming, rather than buy her a vacuum cleaner for Mother's Day? Doing the chores for Mum this Sunday is one way to sweeten her up. But the weekly jobs are a short lived respite for Mum. So here are a few other house hold duties with more long term benefits: Give the refrigerator-coils a quick ... Read more

Laundry in the winter: tips and tricks

May 10th, 2012 by

In summer, doing the laundry is as easy as dropping your clothes in the washing machine, waiting for the cycle to end, and sticking them out on the line.  After just a short time in the sun, you have clean and dry clothes.  What could be simpler? Well, I've got news for you: Winter is coming No, that's not an unnecessary Game of Thrones reference (well it is, but ... Read more

What else can I make in an Ice Cream Maker?

May 8th, 2012 by

Um, we're not really sure why you'd like to make anything BUT sweet, sweet ice cream. However, if the waistline is protesting or simply the novelty has worn off, here are a few alternative ways to create chillin' delicious fare with an ice cream maker. Frozen soft drink slushies: This is a very easy one. Whatever your poison of choice is, Coke, Fanta, or L&P, pour it in ... Read more

Beautiful and practical kitchen sinks, stainless steel and ceramic

May 8th, 2012 by

A recent study has found that stainless steel sinks trump ceramic sinks for their durability and modern look. Kitchen sinks are the most hardworking and often underrated element in a kitchen. Sometimes they're piled sky high with dirty dishes, or they're used to wash and peel the spuds, scrub grubby hands... And it's true that stainless steel is a virtually indestructible surface, unlikely to stain or scratch badly, which is what ... Read more

Appliances Assemble: creating a kitchen super-team

May 8th, 2012 by

Seen The Avengers yet? In between all the explosions, one-liners, and Robert Downey Jr stealing scenes, there are a few lessons we can learn about appliances. Seriously. If you’re putting together a kitchen, for example, you’ll need appliances that work well individually, but also come together as a team - assemble, if you will - to combine their unique powers and achieve cooking and cleaning greatness. Here's what I mean: High ... Read more

From the Queen to Chuck Norris and Michael Jackson: Amazing Celebrity Portraits in Cake

May 7th, 2012 by

With celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee Festival (marking 60 years of the Queen being Queen) kicking into gear, a portrait of her majesty made from cake is set to go on display. Apparently this royal sugar hit will be constructed from 3,120 individual cakes (each representing one week in her reign). Handcrafted by the bakers at Konditor & Cook, a central London-based caked shop, it’ll require more than ... Read more

Two tricks to cooking succulent crustaceans

May 7th, 2012 by

In Australia we seem to have the knack for cooking meat fairly down pat. Of course, we've grilled enough prawns to know a thing or two about that, too. But when it comes to boiling seafood, some of us revert to the old British culinary crime of overcooking. Over-boiling delicate crustaceans leads to rubbery, flavourless flesh; a tragedy that is easy to avoid. At the Sydney Seafood School (SSS) ... Read more

Fire update from Appliances Online

May 3rd, 2012 by

You may have heard about the recent fire near the offices of Appliances Online and Big Brown Box.  You may have heard about it on our Facebook, or perhaps even on the news. Here's our side of the story: It began as just another day at the office - coffees had been drunk, phones were being answered, emails being sent, blogs being worked on.  Lunchtime had come and gone, ... Read more

Judging a house by the contents of its fridge

May 3rd, 2012 by

A squiz inside a family's fridge can offer some revealing insights to their culinary likes and dislikes. Is there a sweet tooth in the family? A carnivore, kids, or enough spicy sauces to harbour a Mexican mistress? There is a bit one can decipher from the contents, or lack of! Like the bachelor with his six pack of beer in an otherwise bare fridge. Poking around a couple of ... Read more

What I ate on my holidays, and how you can cook it at home

May 2nd, 2012 by

I've recently returned from an adventure through several Asian countries, where I checked out the local history, culture and cuisine.  Even the odd appliance! Here are a few of the local delicacies I sampled on the road, and a quick guide on how you can prepare them yourself. No passport required; just a few handy appliances. Cambodia: Fish Amok Phnom Penh and Siem Reap are amazing destinations.  The first has ... Read more