Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

3 appliance features worth shelling out for

June 20th, 2012 by

The myriad of features on modern appliances can make the mind boggle and one ask, which do I really need? Too much choice can cause agonisingly long decision making, something many of us would rather avoid. Occasionally we even ditch making a purchase altogether for fear of making a bad choice. Especially today with a host of smart appliances making their way into the home. There are some ... Read more

Stacking kits are important!

June 19th, 2012 by

"We bought a Whirlpool Duet Sport washer & dryer. And we found the stack kit to be pretty expensive for all that it is... And I'm wondering if we REALLY NEED this kit? My boyfriend said he was going to just use heavy duty industrial strength velcro?" asks Sadie's Mummy on Yahoo Answers. Best answer? "Get the kit and prevent a BIG safety issue and the possibility of ... Read more

Sell your home for more with the help of appliances

June 19th, 2012 by

There about a million and one things that can affect property values; everything from location, to property age and condition, to more complicated market trends that don’t always seem to make sense. But in the end, all a property’s value boils down to is how much a buyer is willing to pay for it on sale day. We all know that renovations can play a big role in ... Read more

Top 10 Acquired Tastes: disgusting or delicious?

June 15th, 2012 by

On the back of a couple of recent blogs devoted to culinary habits of a more unusual nature we thought we’d take a gander at some of the more unique taste-sensations out there. These things fall into the criteria of foods that are highly popular ... yet only appetising to a very finite set of palettes.  That they involve some disgusting, prurient or dangerous detail to ... Read more

Appliances on Mythbusters: don’t try this at home!

June 15th, 2012 by

Urban legends don't always stand up to scrutiny, but as Mythbusters has discovered, some can surprise you by turning out to have a grain of truth at their core. We’ve had a go at busting myths on this blog before, but some myths are best left to the professionals, especially when they involve big, heavy, and valuable appliances. Here are some appliance-related myths that the team from Mythbusters ... Read more

Left-handed appliances for your home

June 14th, 2012 by

We're going to talk about appliances for Lefties.  By "Lefties", I'm not talking about anyone's political leanings, but rather something far more sinister... Left-handed people. Geddit? "Sinister"?  Latin for "left"? *crickets chirp* Ahem. Studies show that as human beings tend to be naturally co-operative creatures (outside of politics), most of us use our right hands in an unconscious effort to fit in and support our fellow homo sapiens.  It is ... Read more

Double or nothing appliances on NSW first home buyer grant

June 13th, 2012 by

In the hope of boosting construction and the NSW housing market, the lovely Mike Baird in his new state budget has opened up an extra $8,000 for new home owners on new homes only, offering a total first home buyer grant of $15,000. But it's a case of double or nothing. The flip side is that anyone buying an existing house lucks out as the $7,000 first home buyer grant, ... Read more

Chemical-free cleaning, like Nana used to!

June 12th, 2012 by

Three natural and affordable ingredients will keep the house sparkling clean. Before the days of heavy duty vacuum cleaners and turbo charged chemical cleaners the house was just as spick and span as it is today, says my 93 year old Nana. She would know too, having pretty much witnessed the birth of every modern day appliance and cleaner. Without vacuums a bit of extra elbow grease with ... Read more

Kitchens with gas cooktops three times as polluted as highways

June 8th, 2012 by

Are you having trouble breathing easily in your home?  Asthma playing up? Air in your kitchen not smelling so great? Your gas cooktop could be the culprit. A recent study from the University of Sheffield has found that homes using gas cooktops can contain three times as much nitrogen dioxide as what's found in the air in city centre hotspot, or in the air from alongside busy highways. Warning: ... Read more

Cooking with kids

June 7th, 2012 by

There’s been a lot of debate in the news recently about childcare and government’s role in supporting it.  While it's a complex issue, there’s one point that everyone can agree on - kids can be a real handful, and require a great deal of attention and care. One method some stay at home mums (and dads!) use to look after their kids and manage their housework at ... Read more

Bachelor Masterchef: 6 awesome recipes for the single man

June 7th, 2012 by

So, you're a free-wheeling bachelor about town. It doesn't matter why - maybe you're stuck in a permanent state of arrested development, maybe your ex left you for a therapist called Alan or Elaine or something, maybe they found you in bed with a small scotch terrier - whatever. Relax, it's all good news, my friend, 'cos you have control of the kitchen. You've no one to ... Read more

Creating art from food

June 6th, 2012 by

Artistry is important when preparing food.  The contestants over on Masterchef are judged on the presentation of their meals as much as their taste - probably more so, as great-looking food makes for great television.  And we’ve previously explored the art (or science) of great sandwiches. But what role can food play in creating art for art's sake? Christchurch-born and New York-based photographer, Henry Hargreaves, may have recently ... Read more

Heater safety tips for a snug winter

June 6th, 2012 by

Yesterday's blitzkrieg-like storm in Sydney and up the Central Coast has served as a slap-in-the-face to many of who may have been in any denial that yes, it is definitely winter. A drop in the mercury and howling winds encouraged many a Sydneysider to don scarves, Ugg boots, rummage in cupboards for hot water bottles and crank up the heater. At the same time, the NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod ... Read more

Child-proofing appliances in the kitchen

June 5th, 2012 by

Anna's daughter Mackenzie already has her talk on - she's babbling away as I chat to her mother on the phone. This means that Mackenzie definitely has her walk on and at least three times during the conversation I'm told to "hang on" as Anna looks to see where her daughter has got to. Speaking on an old land line with a cord Anna and I also get ... Read more

Killer kitchen knives fit for zombies

June 5th, 2012 by

Hot on the heels of the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDCP) remarkable statement that "there is no zombie apocalypse" and following on from our highly successful blog, Appliances for surviving a zombie apocalypse, we bring to you a set of knives for fighting zombies. With the catch phrase "Blades don't run out of ammo" and blade names such as 'pestilence chopper', 'death dagger' and ... Read more