Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

The world’s happiest appliances

August 1st, 2012 by

Got those winter blues? Here are some happy appliances, guaranteed to cure what ails ye: Heath the hilariously happy heater Always keen to warm your house, Heath loves nothing more than a satisfying night of heating followed by a good dust. Frederick the fabulously fit fridge Is your fridge running? Well you'd better go catch it, it's halfway down the street! (HA HA HA) Max the maniacally merry microwave When Max is ... Read more

What on Earth are soap nuts?

July 30th, 2012 by

Not long ago, we posted a question on the Appliances Online Facebook page – Washing Powder vs Washing Liquid, what do YOU use at home? While both types of detergent received strong shows of support from their devoted fans, a significant percentage of responders were in favour of a third option: SOAP NUTS A bunch of us, myself included, had never heard of these things, and had no idea ... Read more

Westinghouse named most trusted whitegoods brand

July 30th, 2012 by

Last week we hinted at the results of a new consumer survey and today we begin to reveal the big winners in categories such as vacuum cleaners and kitchen appliances. The Reader's Digest Trusted Brands 2012 survey looked at almost 2,500 responses and came to the conclusion that the top whitegoods brand in the country is … Westinghouse! "Westinghouse won the Trusted Brands Whitegoods category because Australians know ... Read more

Australia’s most trusted brands revealed

July 27th, 2012 by

What do you base your purchases on? Is it packaging, advertising or a product's reputation? According to new survey, trust is one of the greatest reasons guiding the buying decisions of Australian households - and there are some brands that a true stand-outs. The Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2012 survey looked at the top brands in a range of categories - everything from food and insurance to beauty, ... Read more

8 Awesome Appliances For Idiots (like us)

July 26th, 2012 by

This is a blog for idiots. You know who you are. Let me explain, I know. Because I’m one of you!  You may be particularly brilliant at a particular area of your life (ours is constructing forts from empty cereal packets), but in terms of general household maintenance ... completely hopeless. Don't worry. I get you. We’re the people who forget to turn off appliances. Barely ... Read more

Stay safe and prevent appliance-related injuries

July 26th, 2012 by

Appliances are more dangerous than you might expect.  If you're not careful, they can become accidents waiting to happen. We want to keep our customers alive and healthy, so here are a few ways you can avoid being injured by the appliances in your home: Toasters A toaster is normally pretty innocuous, but it can be a potential fire or electrocution risk if you're not careful. Keep your toaster clear ... Read more

ACCC offers safety advice for winter products

July 25th, 2012 by

Between the frosty mornings and chilly evenings, we all need a little help trying to stay warm this winter. But just how safe are the products that we use as a source of heat? To give households a helping hand when it comes to safety, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released its top winter product safety tips after a number of popular items were recalled, ... Read more

Not your average Father’s Day gift ideas

July 24th, 2012 by

The only thing harder than shopping for someone that already has everything is trying to find a unique Father's Day gift when Dad hasn't dropped any hints. Giving your old man the perfect present on his special day not only shows him how much he's loved, it can also set you up for 12 months of being in Dad's good books. But how do you narrow down your ... Read more

Appliances in Space 2: Mission to Mars!

July 23rd, 2012 by

Isn’t it annoying when you’re all psyched to start making dinner, then you realise that there’s no food in the house?  Then you've got to waste a bunch of time heading down to the shops to buy what your need - time that could be spent cooking and eating. Well, what if the nearest shops were around 225 million kilometres away?  And reaching them would involve six ... Read more

8 Appliances We Desperately Need … But Haven’t Been Invented Yet

July 20th, 2012 by

As human progress screams headlong into a golden age of convenience and unlimited laziness ... it’s about time we call out manufacturers on the appliances they AREN'T making! We’re calling it 8 Appliances That Haven’t Been Invented Yet – these are items which will meet specific demand that consumers have been crying out for years. We’ve even given them some helpful names to help prod those lax inventors ... Read more

How coffee at home can solve a country’s welfare problem

July 20th, 2012 by

In a bid to cut household costs, a New Zealand columnist has recently made the switch from cups at the coffee-shop to brewing at home. Charged by caffeine, he had an epiphany: coffee at home can solve his nation's welfare problem. In the hilariously satirical column Bill Ralston describes how and why his wife decided their very frequent trips to the coffee shop down the road must come ... Read more

How to take control of cluttered cupboards

July 19th, 2012 by

In a threatening state of affairs the boarders between nations spill over each other in my spice and hearb tin container. Tumeric spoils the oregano, Chinese five spice gets mixed with Moroccan lamb and beef rendang becomes massaman beef. It's all become quite a confusing mess. This is due to the haphazard state of my kitchen cupboards. The clutter makes it impossible to fit the tin in ... Read more

Siemens: Europe’s number 1 brand of built-in appliances

July 13th, 2012 by

“Progress in the service of mankind” was the aspiration of the founder of Siemens, Werner von Siemens, and 160 years later this motto still holds true. Founded in Germany, Siemens is a global company that specialises in designing and manufacturing high quality household appliances. Why Siemens? Excellence in design Siemens products continue to receive awards from major design names internationally. In the 2012 Red Dot product design awards, 25 out ... Read more

Landfill or recycling – What happens to your old appliances?

July 13th, 2012 by

So you’ve bought something new from Appliances Online.  Maybe you’ve replaced the oven that was on its last legs, or that old fridge with the noisy compressor. Our delivery drivers have brought your new appliance home in a shiny truck, plugged it in, and given you a once-over of how it all works.  They've cleaned up all of the packaging and mess, packed your old appliance up ... Read more

Carbon tax causes unremarkable number of complaints

July 12th, 2012 by

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has received 250 complaints from consumers who think their energy retailers may be taking the mickey. This is due to the double digit percentage price hikes in electricity bills across Australia since the newly implemented Carbon Tax. In total, the ACCC has received 630 Carbon Tax-related complaints; there were over 8350 general complaints in that period, relatively few, said Rod Sims, ACCC ... Read more