Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

Spring clean your beverages

September 11th, 2012 by

Spring cleaning doesn't have to stop at tidying up around the home - your body often needs an overhaul following the long winter months. That sluggish feeling after eating lots of comfort food and not keeping your fluids up because of the cooler weather can leave you feeling tired and cranky come summer. But while the warmer weather can leave you feeling thirsty again, are you reaching for ... Read more

Spring cleaning: New ways to clean your floor

September 7th, 2012 by

Keeping floors clean and tidy is not an easy job, and often at the bottom of spring cleaning to-do lists. But don't let the thought of lugging a heavy vacuum cleaner behind you as you move from room to room deter you from being able to enjoy dust-free domestic bliss - there are a number of new technologies included in cleaning appliances to help you make light ... Read more

Spring cleaning: Three kitchen jobs you’re putting off

September 6th, 2012 by

September is here, which means that spring has sprung and it's time to tackle those pesky cleaning jobs that you've ignored all winter (or maybe even longer). There is no denying the feeling that takes hold of many households this time of the year, but perhaps it might be time to channel your efforts into one of the most popular areas of the house - the kitchen. It ... Read more

3 great Spring Cleaning solutions – from Vax!

September 5th, 2012 by

Thank god Spring is finally here. That means: sunshine, good times, and, er, Spring Cleaning. Well, maybe cleaning isn’t quite at the top of your priorities (you position it further down that list, somewhere a little higher than sticking red hot needles under your skin or, say, listening to the recorded output of Celine Dion). But here’s some good news: Appliances Online has a range of products that ... Read more

Father’s Day gift guide: For Dads who love to cook

August 30th, 2012 by

It seems like every family has a budding chef in its mix - and if your Dad is the king of the kitchen, then there are a number of appliances that he might love to get this Father's Day. There is a fine art to baking the perfect pie - not only is it time-coming to prepare the case and the filling, but all your hard work ... Read more

Father’s Day gift guide: For Dads who love to be healthy

August 28th, 2012 by

With Father's Day just a couple of days away, Appliances Online is here to help work out the best present to buy to show Dad you love him. He deserves more than just another pair of socks or a generic gift voucher, so we've researched some different kinds of Dads Whether your Dad enjoys being outdoors or prefers to sit on the couch and watch some footy, chooses ... Read more

You can’t fool me! Real celebrities and their appliances

August 24th, 2012 by

New York resident Brett Cohen has fooled Times Square visitors into thinking he was a famous celebrity as part of a one-night only social experiment - and the video has gone viral. The 21-year-old university student filmed his experience, which consisted of donning a Hollywood tan and expensive clothes, and taking to the streets accompanied by two bodyguards and a number of planted faux paparazzi. Convincing the crowd ... Read more

Appliances for all-nighters

August 24th, 2012 by

If you've been following the news, you may have read about how the billion dollar deal for the broadcasting rights to Australian Rugby League was finalised after a gruelling all-night negotiation. It's understood that the suit-wearing football bosses and media masters ordered takeaway pizza and wheelled an espresso machine into the boardroom to sustain themselves through the night.  The negotiations are supposed to have taken so long, ... Read more

Social media savvy vacuum ‘tweets what it eats’

August 21st, 2012 by

With the rate at which technology is taking over our lives, it's just a matter of time before our household appliances become sentient and start tweeting about the mundane details of their lives. "Easy Mac again?" your microwave will gripe via Facebook. "Has she no self respect? My defrosting capabilities are wasted in the household, I tell you. Wasted!" Meanwhile, your dryer will be airing more than just ... Read more

Vacuuming your baby & other oddities: 5 vintage vacuum ads

August 20th, 2012 by

Looking back through the vacuum cleaner advertisements of yesteryear, it becomes clear this humble household appliance is useful for more than simply getting the floors clean. Here we present to you 5 benefits of vacuum ownership that are generally overlooked by modern-day manufacturers: Vacuum your baby The biggest problem with babies is that they are dusty. 'However will I remove all this baby dust?' is the common lament ... Read more

Don’t think Dads and appliances mix? Think again!

August 17th, 2012 by

With Father's Day fast-approaching, the temptation to buy Dad a typical gift of ties, socks or gift voucher will be running high. While the celebratory day for our Mums might automatically make you think of giving her a new appliance, is there anything stopping you from making a similar purchase for Dad? With that in mind, here are our top three reasons to buy Dad an appliance this ... Read more

Fisher & Paykel takes precautions against dishwasher fault

August 15th, 2012 by

One of the trans-Tasman's most popular appliances manufacturers has issued a precautionary warning to its customers regarding several of its single door dishwashers manufactured between 2006 and 2008. Due to a number of reports of a fault related to the door latch, Fisher & Paykel is asking affected customers to contact the company so that a technician can fit a replacement part free of charge. Those with conventional ... Read more

Chop an onion without crying: 13 tips, tricks and strategies

August 13th, 2012 by

It’s a familiar scene – getting the dinner ready, you whip out your trusty blade and prepare to slice and dice some vegetables. Soon, your eyes begin to sting.  Even if you’re feeling on top of the world, tears begin to well in your eyes, and soon you’re sobbing uncontrollably. Bloody onions got you again! Know your enemy The common onion has been used in cooking for thousands of years, ... Read more

Managing springtime allergies and more

August 7th, 2012 by

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were all worried about how we were going to do the laundry in the winter. Now spring is nearly here, bringing with it blooming flowers and trees, warm and windy days, pets rampaging about and shedding their winter coats… Yep; we're heading into allergy season. It’s bad enough that all of these allergy-inducing natural events occur around this time of year, ... Read more

Top three factors to consider when buying whitegoods

August 3rd, 2012 by

Making purchases of whitegoods online is fast becoming the norm, but there are some important factors to keep in mind to make sure the experience is a pleasant one. Will it fit? It may seem obvious to measure up the space in your kitchen for a new fridge, but have you thought about how to get your new purchase through the front door? Some customers may think that it's ... Read more