Archive for the ‘Appliance Talk’ Category

Hurra Torpedo – rocking out with whitegoods

March 22nd, 2013 by

Last week, we blogged about a washing machine being destroyed to the music of Autechre.  And as promised at the end of that blog, this week we're continuing our exploration of the world of appliance-based music with a look at Norwegian band, Hurra Torpedo. Left to right - Aslag Guttormsgaard, Kristopher Schau, and Egil Hegerberg According to their site at label Duplex Records (Google-translated from Norwegian – native ... Read more

How to organise your kitchen

March 21st, 2013 by

As the room of the house where the most work tends to get done (or at least where it’s SUPPOSED to get done), the kitchen really benefits from being well-organised. However, not all of us have the organising gene (I know I don’t), and as a result, many of our kitchens eventually start to resemble the ground zero of some kind of mess and clutter explosion. If you’re ... Read more

Washing machine explodes to the music of Autechre

March 15th, 2013 by

When you've been in the appliance biz as long as I have, you reach a point where it takes a lot to impress you. A replica of Stonehenge made out of fridges? Yawn. A washing machine that launders your brain? That was SO three weeks ago. Snakes... on a dishwasher? THAT'S SO BORING I'M SO BORED PLEASE BE QUIET OMG ZZZZZZ Truly, I thought I'd seen just about everything that ... Read more

How do your dishwasher habits stack up?

March 12th, 2013 by

Washing dishwashers is one of those household chores that always seem to generate debate. Whether it's the difference between using dishwasher tablets or powder, or the various ways you can try to make the job easier, this humble appliance can be the cause of many arguments. But according to consumer advice website Choice, it is how a dishwasher is stacked that is creating issues for households. The results ... Read more

Appliance art with Stonefridge: A Fridgehenge

March 8th, 2013 by

Here at Appliances Online, we're no strangers to seeing appliances used in unusual ways.  From cooking sausages in the kettle to fish in the dishwasher, we've found a wide range of warranty-voiding ways that appliances really aren't meant to be used. But one of our favourite creative uses for appliances is in the creation of art from what most of us think of as garbage.  We've looked ... Read more

Frequently asked appliance questions – answered!

March 8th, 2013 by

Got an appliance question? Well darling, you have come to the right place. Here, in no particular order, are some of our most frequently asked questions. And remember, if you need to speak to an appliance expert, you can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1300 000 500! What size fridge should I buy? Here is a loose guide to choosing the right size fridge ... Read more

How to make yourself do the dishes

February 22nd, 2013 by

It happens to the best of us.  There you are, having worked hard to cook up an amazing meal, and just when you're sitting back and feeling really good about having eaten said meal… …you notice the dirty dishes, piled up next to the sink like the Leaning Tower of Pisa (or possibly Mount Vesuvius). When faced with a terror like this, it’s all too easy to panic, ... Read more

Show your appliances some love this Valentine’s Day

February 14th, 2013 by

It's easy to feel slightly neglected by the ones we love throughout the year. I mean, that's the reason why Valentine's Day was created right? But much like our longing for presents or romantic dinners on more than just February 14, the appliances that we adore need some love too. So if you've being neglecting those maintenance jobs you know need to be done - or you simply ... Read more

Breville and Heston Blumenthal team up

February 13th, 2013 by

One of the world's most recognisable chefs - and a personal favourite among the Appliances Online team - has become the global ambassador of a local appliance brand. Heston Blumenthal has teamed up with Breville to help promote the iconic Australian brand's products across all of Breville’s international markets, as well as locally. According to Breville Group chief executive officer Jack Lord, Blumenthal will be more than just ... Read more

The joy of vacs: do these people love appliances TOO much?

February 12th, 2013 by

You know, we all love Appliances here. I mean the website is called Appliances Online. Appliances are our business. Let’s be clear tho – they're not our obsession. That said, we won't judge you if they happen to be yours. We don't care if you dream about them, take them on trips away with you, or that census records list your next-of-kin as a Fisher & Paykel ... Read more

How to organise a fridge – eight tips for a more efficient kitchen

February 11th, 2013 by

Is the inside of your fridge a bit of a shambles? It's all too easy for mess to build up in a fridge that's seen a lot of use, until it eventually starts to resemble a dumping ground for half-finished foodstuffs. If your fridge is so messy that it starts attracting cats, you may have a problem... But even if you replace your old fridge with a new ... Read more

All about dust – what it is and how to get rid of it

February 6th, 2013 by

The other week I was helping to reorganise someone's sizeable CD collection; a collection large enough to take up three floor-to-ceiling racks from a certain Swedish furniture company.  One by one, we removed the CDs from their old homes, dusted off their cases, and put them into their new order. As most of the collection had previously been digitised, not many of the CDs had been listened ... Read more

Appliances Online’s Valentines: love letters from our customers

February 6th, 2013 by

On a first date, one question you will always get asked is: "What do you do for a living?" Lucky for me, whenever I tell people I work for Appliances Online, they always say: "I LOVE your company!" Which I think is a pretty positive way to begin a relationship! So if you have a hot date this Valentine's Day, I recommend that you tell them you work ... Read more

Study: Vegetarian diet leads to healthier heart

February 4th, 2013 by

Lifestyle diseases have become more of a concern in recent years, and most of us of us are trying to do our bit to eat better, get into shape and live longer. And while juice detoxes may be one of the latest health crazes, new research from the University of Oxford has suggested that vegetarians are less likely to suffer serious heart disease than meat-eaters. "The results clearly ... Read more

Appliances Online New Year Sale extended until Monday!

February 1st, 2013 by

We hope that you’ve all enjoyed the Appliances Online New Year Sale.  From the first day of January right up until its last, we offered discounted deals on all kinds of household appliances for the kitchen and laundry. But wait – you missed out?  Couldn’t get online in time?  Were away on holiday for the month and only heard about the sale just now? Well, you’re in luck… The ... Read more