[FLOW CHART] How to choose a dishwasher!

March 1st, 2012

Appliance Talk

Our customers kept asking for an easier way to choose their next dishwasher, so we created this easy to follow flowchart!

Have you got a family of seven or are you a solo flying city slicker who hasn’t cooked a meal in a year?

Would you like a colourful appliance to match your trendy kitchen or are the growing collection of toddlers’ hands smearing everything mean you prefer black appliances?

Are you flush? Or are you breaking the bank to buy a new dishwasher?

Let us help you figure things out…(Click for fullsize!)


Click for full size!

All the way from the land of the flightless bird, Krissy brings a part of New Zealand culture to the Appliances Online content team. And although she is adamant she does not say 'fush and chups', she can't deny her continuous use of the term 'sweet as' and her ongoing argument with her team on the correct name for jandals (thongs). One thing is for certain, however, her passion for her kiwi slang is matched with her love for sharing news, hacks and buying tips for all things appliances! Krissy's favourite appliance is the Tefal Cook4Me multi cooker, as she believes it's ok to let an appliance do all the work for you.

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